Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Department vision

The Performing Arts department aim to provide opportunities for students to explore and increase their understanding of a wide range of social and theatrical issues. Choosing how to present these ideas for an audience encourages sympathetic treatment of the problems facing dramatic characters. By assuming roles within group work, we aim for students to develop individual responsibility for contributing to the effectiveness of the group. Furthermore, through the study of drama: encountering improvisation tasks and published play scenes and some opportunities to see live productions, students are able to explore the human condition and evaluate their own existence and values in relation to society. 

The Edexcel GCSE in Drama is a robust, broad-based, largely practical course which ensures a balance of core units – comprising the essential knowledge and applied skills required by the sector. 

Further details coming soon.

Year 10

In Year 10, Students will explore a range of plays with an emphasis on practical performance and will create their own devised piece of theatre using a stimulus such as a poem, extract from a novel or an artefact.  As well as performing options, there are also opportunities for students to opt for designer routes such as costume, lighting and directing.

Year 11

Year 11 is a continuation of the work covered in year 10 with a particular focus on theatre makers in practice.  They will carry out a practical exploration of one drama text and will prepare an evaluation of a live theatre production.  Whilst preparing for the written examination, students will also prepare for an externally assessed performance piece.


GCSE requirements

Unit 1:  40%, Devising – students will create and develop a devised piece from a stimulus and prepare a written or recorded portfolio in which they analyse and evaluate the process and final performance.

Unit 2 : 20%  practical drama – students will either perform and/or design two key extracts from a performance text.  This unit is externally assessed by a visiting moderator.

Unit 3: 40% This is a written examination unit.  Students will carry out a practical exploration of one complete performance text and answer one question on an unseen scene from the text.  In addition, they will be asked to analyse and evaluate a live performance that they have seen.  They are allowed to take theatre evaluation notes of up to 500 words into the examination.

Post 16 at WG6

We offer the AQA Drama and Theatre studies A’ level where students gain opportunities to:

  • perform in a scripted selection of scenes
  • Review and appreciate four live theatre productions
  • Write about a set play as an actor, director or stage designer
  • Devise and perform a piece of live theatre
  • Appreciate a pre-20th century play and offer a director’s vision
  • Write about how to produce a modern set play for the stage of your choice.
Related Careers

Students that study Drama can expect to be well prepared for any career that involves consistently excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively. Possible career paths may include:

  • Lawyer

  • Politician

  • Actor

  • Producer

  • Dramaturge

  • Playwright

  • Director

  • Teacher

  • Journalist

  • Drama Therapist