Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Department vision The Art department aims to develop students creative imaginative and practical skills whilst celebrating cultural diversity and enjoying the wealth of inspiration from the world around us. We…
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Department Vision Business activity is a feature of everyone’s life. As consumers, employees, savers and investors, people throughout the world engage in a web of business activities to design, produce,…
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Department vision In a world of ever-growing technology, Computer Science has become an important part of any young person’s learning, whether to help them to understand the basic concept of…
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Department vision To contextualise learning with real world application within a professional environment Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous, and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, students design and…
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Department vision The Performing Arts department aim to provide opportunities for students to explore and increase their understanding of a wide range of social and theatrical issues. Choosing how to…
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Our vision for the Economics Department is to create an engaging and intellectually stimulating environment where students develop a deep understanding of economic theories, principles, and real-world applications. We aim…
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Department vision As a department we aim to encourage the development of sensitive, articulate and thoughtful individuals who can use language effectively and appropriately in as wide a range of…
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The Certificate in Financial Education The Vision Knowledge of the Business and Finance world is more important than ever.  The Certificate in Financial Education is a level 2 qualification that…
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Our vision for the Further Mathematics Department is to cultivate a dynamic and inspiring learning environment where students are challenged to explore and excel in advanced mathematical concepts. We aim…
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Department vision Inspiring students at Wilmington Grammar School for Girls with an innovative, contemporary & engaging Geography curriculum. Our aim is to deliver a curriculum which challenges and supports students…
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Department vision Our aim as a department is to create and foster a passion among our students to investigate questions in the past and how these relate to the modern…
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Department vision Mathematics is important in our everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and to manage our lives. Using mathematics enables us to model…
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Department vision Languages are part of the cultural richness of our society and the world in which we live and work.  Learning a foreign language contributes to mutual understanding, a…
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“Music is essentially an emotional language, so you want to feel something from the relationships and build music based on those feelings.” – Howard Shore The WGSG Music department thrives…
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Department vision The department aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, with equal opportunity and provision for all. The programme over the two Key Stages embraces a wide range…
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Department vision Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an integral and important part of our students journey at WGSG. We are passionate about preparing our students for outside and…
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Department Vision Our vision for the Psychology Department is to create a dynamic and supportive learning environment where students can explore the depths of human behavior, cognition, and emotion. We…
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Department vision At WGSG, the study of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics is a meaningful and thought-provoking exploration of major world faiths and contemporary moral issues. Carried out in a non-doctrinal…
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Department Vision The science department aims to develop confident, independent, and deeply analytical Scientists through an investigative approach.  The department provides students with the opportunity to go beyond their potential by…
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Our vision for the Sociology Department is to foster an inclusive and stimulating learning environment where students critically explore the complexities of society, culture, and human behavior. We aim to…
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Department vision At Wilmington Grammar School for Girls we encourage our students to embrace challenges, to learn from mistakes and develop the resilience to seek continual improvement. Our motto, ‘in…
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