Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Department vision

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an integral and important part of our students journey at WGSG. We are passionate about preparing our students for outside and beyond school. We care about cultivating strong, resilient, respectful and compassionate young people who are ready to take their place as British citizens.

PSHE is delivered through extended learning experiences, where students are off-timetable for 6 mornings across the year, as well as through form times. Some of the topics explored are sensitive in nature and therefore it is paramount we all respond in the appropriate way, particularly in this ever-changing society. All our students are treated as individuals and we are mindful our students have varying experiences. If then you feel it is inappropriate for your young person to participate in any of the sessions, please inform us prior to the session. Please consider the topics covered in each year group to familiarise yourself with what is being covered. It is important to note, RSE is now statutory and students are not able to ‘opt out’ of this. If you have any queries about PSHE, please do not hesitate to Mrs Selfe or Miss Slade.

We are members of the PSHE Association and seek advice and support, particularly in regards to the curriculum we offer, by utilising their thematic model, fully embedding their three core themes in our Programme of Study:

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. Living in the Wider World
  3. Relationships

Where possible, we invite external speakers into the school to deliver important messages to our students. Charities and companies we work closely with include the Charlie Waller Trust and St Giles.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw

Year 7

Year 7 will focus mostly on relationships, especially cultivating trust, managing transition and avoiding gossip. They explore enterprising skills and the challenging of stereotypes. Year 7 will be taught about the impact of body talk, unwanted contact, FGM and personal hygiene.

Year 8

Year 8 will continue to look at relationships but will specifically explore discrimination and the need to challenge discrimination, mental health, consent, sexting and contraception. They will learn about drugs, particularly exploring e-cigarettes and energy drinks and self-care. Exploration will be made into fraud, online grooming and cybercrime.  They will also think about how to deal with loss and separation. This year the students will find out about Parliament and the voting system.

Year 9

Year 9 have more of a focus on peer influence, managing healthy and unhealthy relationships, pornography and physical and mental health. Young people’s rights and responsibilities will be investigated, as well as helping our students to get ready for their GCSE options that they make that year.

Year 10

Year 10 begin to consider democracy and rights from a more critical perspective. They consider what makes a relationship healthy and the role of technology in relationships. Later on in the year, they consider the law on substances such as alcohol and drugs.

Year 11

Year 11 look on living in the wider world in their work considering careers and budgeting. They also focus on revision techniques and how to look after themselves during stressful times in life, in order to prepare them for their GCSE exams.


PSHE is not externally assessed and so students do not receive an external qualification.

Students will be assessed through a variety of techniques, including reflective diaries, podcasts, videos, artwork and blogs, discussions, presentations and debates.

Post 16 at WG6

Our bespoke Sixth Form PSHE schedule allows students to access a range of talks, presentations, workshops and enrichment opportunities which helps guide them through Sixth Form life and prepare them for life beyond.

At the heart of our programme is the objective to nurture our students’ personal, social, moral and cultural wellbeing whilst providing guidance on study skills, relationships, wellbeing, life skills, communication skills, and careers.

Related Careers

Through PSHE lesson student will consider how their values can inform their career choices in order to make a difference to their local and global community and how holding and acting upon these values can affect wellbeing.

Topics covered include:

  • Strength, interests, skills and qualities in relation to future careers choices and employability.
  • Career identity including values in relation to work
  • Goal-setting and action-planning based on personal values