Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Department vision

The department aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, with equal opportunity and provision for all. The programme over the two Key Stages embraces a wide range of learning experiences, enabling students to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially, while encouraging involvement in all activities. The Schemes of Work are progressive in nature, challenging to all pupils by task and outcome, and encourage competence in planning and evaluating skills, their own work and that of their peers.

Within our Key Stage 3 lessons, theoretical knowledge is shared with students to help increase their understanding of the human body and its role in sport.  The work undertaken in lessons feeds appropriately into the GCSE Physical Education course offered at Key Stage 4.  Whilst students have the option to select GCSE Physical Education as one of their subject choices, those that do not opt for the GCSE still partake in compulsory PE lessons.

The Department runs an extensive extra-curricular programme offering a wide variety of sports, ranging from highly competitive teams to non-competitive individual activities. We aim to give all girls experience of a variety of sports and a wide range of skills. We encourage an active lifestyle and endeavour to give every pupil the opportunity to participate in at least one sport which they will continue after their school life.

Pupils are encouraged to represent the school and they benefit enormously from the team skills they develop and the personal achievement of competing well; they also have a great deal of fun! Fixtures are generally scheduled at the end of the school day and pupils are expected to make themselves available for participation.

Year 7
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1-4        Multi-skills To gain an understanding of warm ups, cool downs and health related exercise through physical tasks.  To Learn the different types of fitness and undertake fitness testing. Understanding the health benefits of being active.  
 Football To build on the fundamental skills required to perform at maximum levels in small sided games. Development of the basic principles of attack and defence in football. 
 Netball To build on the fundamental skills required to perform at maximum levels in small sided games. Development of the basic principles of attack and defence in netball. To develop the ability to use simple tactics and strategies to outwit the opposition. Students will team work and respect. 
 Creative To explore core gymnastics skills individually and in combination. To develop stability when holding their own body position and when supporting a partner. To incorporate control, precision and aesthetics into sequences showing creativity. Students will learn to evaluate and assess movements to improve the quality of performance. 
Term 5-6 Athletics To accurately replicate running, jumping and throwing skills for athletic events showing an improvement in 
performances. To explore variations in core techniques and use knowledge to become more technically proficient. 
 Rounders To replicate and improve core skills in batting, bowling and fielding with the intention of outwitting opponents. To develop an ability to striking the ball using deception in a competitive context. 
To develop confidence and a competence in. 
Year 8
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1-4 Fitness To Learn different types of fitness testing associated with types of fitness. Understanding the 
health benefits of being active. 
 Netball To focus on developing team attacking and defending strategies and associated core techniques with the intention of outwitting their opponents.  To develop knowledge of positioning and rules than underpin the game. To understand the importance 
of fair play. 
 Creative Develop the use of core skills and techniques individually and in combination with other link movements 
focusing on the control and aesthetics.  To demonstrate creativity and fluency in developed sequences. 
 Handball Introduction into the activity, basic skills and rules of the game. 
 Badminton To develop the replication of the core skills necessary to outwit opponents with increasing pressure. To 
begin to accurately score and officiate games using. 
the correct terminology 
 OAA Students to act cooperatively with their peers to accomplish given tasks and overcome obstacles.  Students will need to think creatively and systematically to solving varying problems.  Opportunities to use leadership skills and take on a different role within sport and education. Students will develop their repertoire of skills focused on problem solving and team building 
Term 5-6 Athletics To improve core skills and personal bests in relation to speed, height, distance and accuracy. Develop confidence in movement and challenge mental capacity. 
 Rounders  Develop/refine techniques for batting, bowling and fielding. To develop the ability to place the ball in a target area and improve game tactics with the intention of outwitting an opponent. To build student confidence in movement and understand scoring and officiating systems. 
Year 9
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1-4 Health and Fitness To evaluate and refine movements to produce a more effective performance. 
To understand the broad range of training methods and different outcomes.  To develop knowledge of the immediate effects of exercise and reasoning for these bodily responses. 
 Badminton To develop smash and overhead clear shots. To develop confidence in directing the shuttle to land in a target area so that the opponent cannot return it.  Students will independently score and officiate badminton games unassisted. 
 Netball To focus on developing, implementing and refining team and individual game plans to outwit opponents.  Students will be expected to use core skills, replicate them in different competitive situations to achieve an outcome.  To show full understanding of games rules and analysis of performance. 
 Creative  To develop the use of core skills and techniques individually and in combination with other link movements focusing on the control and      aesthetics  To develop an ability to evaluate and assess movements and sequences to produced refined outcomes. 
 Handball To develop, implement and refine core skills (defensive and attacking) Students will be expected to use these core skills and replicate them in different competitive situations 
 Volleyball To develop, implement and refine core skills (defensive and attacking) Students will be expected to use these core skills and replicate them in different competitive situations  
Term 5-6 Athletics To develop a detailed understanding of fitness and its effect on performance. To allow planning and preparation prior to competing in a range of athletic events. 
 Rounders Demonstrate consistency, timing and fluency in the execution of core skills for batting, bowling and fielding. To improve the skill of outwitting an opponent as a batting and fielding team and develop decision making skills through game play. 
Years 10 & 11 Core
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1-6 Games Across a range of options students are to use core skills and implement them in different competitive situations. Recreational play with an increased awareness in the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.  
 Fitness To take part in a broad range of training methods. Opportunity to learn skills needed outside of the school setting.  
 Athletics To improve core skills and personal bests in relation to speed, height, distance and accuracy. Develop confidence in movement and challenge mental capacity. 

Year 11

 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1-6 Games Across a range of options students are to use core skills and implement them in different competitive situations. Recreational play with an increased awareness in the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.  
 Fitness To take part in a broad range of training methods. Opportunity to learn skills needed outside of the school setting.  
 Athletics To improve core skills and personal bests in relation to speed, height, distance and accuracy. Develop confidence in movement and challenge mental capacity. 
Years 10 & 11 GCSE

Year 10

 Topic Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   â€¯Muscular Skeletal System Sports Psychology Develop knowledge and understanding of the key body systems and how they  
impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport. 
Term 2 Cardio-respiratory system Sports Psychology Develop knowledge and understanding of the key body systems and how they  
impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport. 
Term 3 Cardio-respiratory system Social-cultural influences Develop knowledge and understanding of the key body systems and how they  
impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport. 
Term 4 Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise Social-cultural influences Develop knowledge and understanding of the key body systems and how they  
impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport. 
Term 5 Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise NEA Develop knowledge and understanding of the key body systems and how they  
impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport. 
Term 6 NEA NEA Demonstrate their understanding of the relationships between theory and practice 

Year 11

 Topic  Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   NEA â€¯Social-cultural influences Demonstrate their understanding of the relationships between theory and practice 
Term 2 Movement analysis â€¯Social-cultural influences Develop knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of movement and  
their effect on performance in physical activity and sport. 
Term 3 Physical training Health and fitness Develop knowledge and understanding of the principles of training and different  
training methods in order to plan, carry out, monitor and evaluate personal exercise and training  
Term 4 Physical training Health and fitness Use of data Develop knowledge and understanding of the principles of training and different  
training methods in order to plan, carry out, monitor and evaluate personal exercise and training  
Term 5 Revision Revision Draw together their skills, knowledge and understanding from across the full course of study 
Term 6