Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Department vision

Languages are part of the cultural richness of our society and the world in which we live and work.  Learning a foreign language contributes to mutual understanding, a sense of global citizenship and personal fulfilment. At WGSG students also learn to appreciate the target language countries and their people, culture and way of life.  Learning a foreign language gives students opportunities to express themselves with increasing confidence, independence and creativity. We explore the similarities and differences between the target language and English.  Students develop their communication skills, an understanding of the structure of language and their general literacy skills.

French – Year 7
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Introducing yourself Linguistic understanding Presenting and developing opinions Learning structures to describe what you were like when you were younger and how you would like to be Learning how to communicate in French during lessons Learning the verbs être and avoir Thematic content Talking about likes and dislikes Describing what you have in your bag Describing your personality and your physical appearance 
Term 2 Talking about school Linguistic understanding Justifying opinions with a range of adjectives Using connectives and time phrases Introduction to present tense Introduction to past and future tense structures Thematic content Giving opinions about school subjects Describing your timetable Describing a typical school day Talking about the food you eat 
Term 3 Describing what you do in your free time Linguistic understanding Learning a range of present tense verbs Understanding the prepositions à and de with different articles Using infinitive verbs after a range of opinion phrases Thematic content Talking about the technology you use Describing the sport you do Talking about the weather Describing what you like to do in your free time 
Term 4 Describing your town or village Linguistic understanding Using the structure ‘il y a’ in different tenses Learning the verb ‘aller’ Using the modal verbs ‘pouvoir’ and ‘vouloir’ in the present, imperfect and future tenses Thematic content Describing what there is in your town Describing what you can do in your town Talking about where you go at the weekend Explaining what you want to do 
Term 5 Talking about holidays Linguistic understanding Introduction to the near future tense and structures for predicting an event in the future Introduction to the passé composé past tense and structures for narrating an event in the past Revision of regular and irregular present tense verbs Revision of key structures to describe activities and give opinions Thematic content Describing where you usually go on holiday Predicting what you are going to do on holiday in the future Narrating an account of a previous holiday 
Term 6 Tense and Sentence structure Linguistic understanding Revision, recall and embedding of the linguistic structures taught during Terms 1-5 Practice of Future Tense and Past Tense verbs and key structures Revision and practice of connectives, opinion structures, time phrases Revision and practice of imperfect tense structures Thematic content Narrating an event in the past Predicting an event in the future 
French – Year 8
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Discussing media preferences Linguistic understanding Revision of regular -er verbs and key irregular verbs être, lire, faire, metre and aller Development of knowledge of the passé composé Presenting developed opinions using a range of adjectives Thematic content Describing what you watch on TV Describing your favourite films Describing what you are reading Describing what you do on the internet Narrating an event about what you did last night 
Term 2 Narrating an event in the past Linguistic understanding Development of knowledge of past tense verbs with ‘avoir’ with regular and irregular verbs Introduction to past tense verbs with ‘être’ Giving opinions in a range of tenses Recall and practice of near future tense Thematic content Describing activities during a recent trip Describing how you travelled Giving opinions about a trip Describing a future visit 
Term 3 Talking about yourself, your family and your interests Linguistic understanding Using the verb être with time phrases, intensifiers and connectives Masculine and feminine adjective endings Opinions with infinitive verbs Introduction to reflexive present tnese verbs Thematic content Describing your personality Describing your interests Describing relationships Talking about music Describing what you wear 
Term 4 Describing your house, town and local area Linguistic understanding Making comparisons with ‘plus’ and ‘moins’ Using prepositions with de + articles Revision of ‘il y a’ in different tenses Revision of modal verb ‘pouvoir’ Thematic content Describing the area where you live Describing your house Describing your bedroom Talking about what you have done at home recently 
Term 5 Describing your participation in a talent contest Linguistic understanding Using structures followed by the infinitive Describing thoughts and feelings Using the modal verb ‘devoir’ Narrating an event in the past tense Thematic content Describing your talents Explaining what you have to do before entering a competition Explaining your thoughts and feelings Narrating an event in the past tense 
Term 6 Tense and Sentence structure Linguistic understanding Revision, recall and embedding of the linguistic structures taught during Terms 1-5 Practice of Future Tense and Past Tense verbs and key structures Revision and practice of connectives, opinion structures, time phrases Thematic content Narrating an event in the past Predicting an event in the future 
French – Year 9
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Describing what you do in your free time Linguistic understanding Using direct object pronouns Revision of regular and irregular present tense structures Revision of near future and passé composé Revision of connectives, time phrases and opinion phrases Thematic content Describing online activities Describing another person Planning an event in the future Describing an event in the past 
Term 2  Staying fit and healthy Linguistic understanding Using the structure ‘j’ai mal à’ to describe injuries Using the structure ‘il faut’ and ‘il est nécessaire de’ Introduction to the simple future tense Introduction to structures used to predict an event in the future Thematic content Describing an injury Explaining what you must do to stay in shape Describing what you will eat and drink in the future to stay in shape Describing what you will do in the future to stay in shape 
Term 3   The world of work Linguistic understanding Using the verb ‘vouloir’ in different tense Masculine and feminine forms of jobs Using infinitive structures Giving opinions using the conditional tense Thematic content Talking about jobs Explaining why you want to do a job Giving reasons for the job you want to do 
Term 4   The world of work Linguistic understanding Revision of structures followed by the infinitive Introduction to the imperfect tense Development of understanding of simple future tense Thematic content Explaining what you need to do a job Describing what you were like when you were younger Making plans for the future 
Term 5 Describing a holiday Linguistic understanding Revision and recall of present tense verbs, including irregular verbs Reflexive verbs Revision and recall of past tense verbs Using the conditional tense to make a hypothesis Thematic content Describing what you normally do on holiday Describing how you prepare yourself using reflexive verbs Narrating a past holiday Making a hypothesis about your ideal holiday 
Term 6 Tense and Sentence structure Linguistic understanding Revision, recall and embedding of the linguistic structures taught during Terms 1-5 Practice of Future Tense (near and simple), Past Tense (passé composé and imperfect) and Conditional Tense verbs and key structures Revision and practice of connectives, opinion structures, time phrases Thematic content Narrating an event in the past Predicting an event in the future Making a hypothesis 
French – Years 10 & 11

Year 10

 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Theme 1: Identity and culture Topic 1: Me, my family and friends Topic 3: Free time activities Linguistic understanding To revise the verb ‘être’ in the present and imperfect tenses To use different adjective endings To learn a range of regular and irregular present tense verbs To learn reflexive verbs To learn a range of modal verbs and infinitive structures To revise the formation of the imperfect tense To revise the formation of the passé compose and near future tenses Thematic content Describing your personality Describing the relationships in your family Narrating an event in the past tense Predicting an event in the future 
Term 2   Theme 1: Identity and culture Topic 2: Technology in everyday life Topic 3: Free time activities Linguistic understanding Revision of the verbs jouer, regarder, lire, aller and faire in different tenses Using the modal verb ‘pouvoir’ Revision of past tense structures Thematic content Describing the sport you do Talking about what you read Talking about what you watch Describing your use of technology 
Term 3 Theme 1: Identity and culture Topic 4: Customs and traditions in French speaking countries Linguistic understanding Modal verbs in the present, past and future tenses and other infinitive constructions. Revision of imperfect tense Revision of passé composé Conditional tense and if clauses Thematic content Describing your daily routine vs your weekend routine Giving an opinion about your favourite festival Describing a festival when you were younger Narrating a festival that took place last year Hypothesising about a festival you would celebrate if you lived in France 
Term 4 Revision for and feedback from PPE exams Revision of all key linguistic structures Revision of thematic content Preparation for speaking exam 
Term 5 Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region Linguistic structures The verb ‘habiter’ in different tenses The structure ‘il y a’ in different tenses Structures with ‘ce qui’ Revision of modal verbs The simple future tense Thematic content Describing your region Describing problems with your town Describing what you can do in your town Narrating an event you took part in recently in your town Describing what you will do in your town in the future 
Term 6 Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 4: Travel and tourism Linguistic structures Revision of present tense structures If clauses The conditional tense Recall and practice of five tenses: present, passé composé, imperfect, simple future and conditional Thematic content Hypothesising about a dream holiday Describing what you usually do on holiday Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of holidays Narrating a past holiday 

Year 11

 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Theme 3: Current and future study and employment Topic 1: My studies Topic 2: Life at school/college Linguistic understanding The verb ‘étudier’ in different tenses Revision of present tense verbs Revision of passé composé Infinitive structures, including ‘il faut’ and ‘il est interdit de’ Revision of simple future tense Thematic content Giving opinions about school subjects Describing a typical school day and describing a memorable day Giving opinions about the school rules Talking about future plans 
Term 2   Theme 3: Current and future study and employment Topic 3: Education post-16 Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions Linguistic understanding The verb ‘devenir’ in different tenses Conditional tense Additional infinitive structures: j’ai envie de, j’espère, mon but est de Subjunctive structures Thematic content Describing what you would like to become in the future and giving a reason Saying what you have to do and what your parents want you to do Describing work experience Talking about part time jobs Explaining plans after school 
Term  3 Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 2: Social issues Topic 3: Global issues Linguistic understanding Structures with ce qui Modal verbs and infinitive structures Giving reasons with ‘ça me permettrais’ and ‘ça me donnerais’ Thematic content Describing global concerns Talking about what you do and what you have done to protect the environment Explaining what you do to help the community and the voluntary work you would like to do 
Term 4 Revision of all topics and preparation for speaking exams Linguistic understanding Revision and recall of all topics and key structures Thematic content Preparation of exam skills for speaking exam: role play, photo card and general conversation Preparation of exam skills for writing, reading and listening exams 
Term 5 Revision of all topics Linguistic understanding Revision and recall of all topics and key structures Thematic content Preparation of exam skills for writing, reading and listening exams 
Mandarin – Year 7
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Introductions Linguistic understanding To learn how to pronunciation according to pinyin To learn the formation of a character. THEMATIC CONTENT Classroom languages: thank you, bye, stand up, please sit down to learn how to say numbers in Mandarin To introduce yourself in detail, name  
Term 2 Describing yourself Linguistic understanding -the verb “ to have”  measurement words   THEMATIC CONTENT -to say number and age -to ask and talk about birthday. -to introduce one’s family, pet. -to talk about nationality and countries.  
Term 3 Describing hobbies Linguistic understanding -giving reasons and justifications  THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about jobs and what they want to do in future -to talk about hobbies you like – Talking about which sports you play  
Term 4 School subjects Linguistic understanding -giving reasons and opinions  THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about what you like doing and reason -to talk about abilities – Talking about school subjects/ 
Term 5 School life Linguistic understanding – Time+ activities  THEMATIC CONTENT -Describe your class. – Describing your school timetable – Schools in China (culture) -Using the 12-hour clock   
Term 6 Daily routine THEMATIC CONTENT -Daily routine activities -to describe a school day -to talk about transportation   
Mandarin – Year 8
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Eating out Linguistic understanding -Giving opinions  THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about food  -to be able to order food in a simple conversation -to express your opinion about food and eating out experience. 
Term 2 Describing another person Linguistic understanding – using the present tense  THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about colour  -to describe clothes with colours -to describe something/someone in detail 
Term 3 Describing your town Linguistic understanding -to describe locations and direction  THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about where to live  -to describe a city’s facilities  
Term 4 Describing your house THEMATIC CONTENT -to describe your house and your bedroom. -to describe weather features  
Term 5 Holidays Linguistic understanding – Saying what you would like to do  THEMATIC CONTENT -Talking about where to go in holidays – Talking about getting ready to go out – Talking about holiday plans  
Term 6 Shopping THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about shopping for fruit and vegetable -Department shopping and shopping online.  
Mandarin – Year 9
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Shopping THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about shopping for fruit and vegetable -Department shopping and shopping online.  
Term 2 Hobbies and interests Linguistic understanding -Duration  -connectives and time phrases  THEMATIC CONTENT -to talk about hobbies and interests  
Term 3 Family and friends Linguistic understanding -jobs (past tense and future tense)  THEMATIC CONTENT -Extended family member -birth year and birthplace -A Chinese wedding  
Term 4 Family and daily routine Linguistic understanding -Describing what you were like when you were younger  THEMATIC CONTENT – My daily routine – My family (daily routine) – My family (when I was younger)  
Term 5 Describing people Linguistic understanding -Comparison  -Give opposing opinions  THEMATIC CONTENT -Describe people’s appearance -describe clothes -Describe personality  
Term 6 Local area THEMATIC CONTENT -places around the town -taking a taxi -Places in Shanghai  
Mandarin – Years 10 & 11

Year 10

 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Theme 3: Current and future study and employment Theme 1: My studies Theme 2: Life at school/college Linguistic understanding -Modal verbs -Comparisons  THEMATIC CONTENT –Study and school  
Term 2 Theme 1: Identity and culture Topic 1: Me, my family and friends Topic 2: Technology in everyday life Linguistic understanding -Expressing preferences  THEMATIC CONTENT -Technology and media  – Role models   
Term 3 Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 2: Social issues Topic 3: Global issues Linguistic understanding -Complex structures: No matter A or B…  THEMATIC CONTENT  —Live Green  — Good causes  — Healthy life style   
Term 4 Theme 3: Current and future study and employment Topic 3: Education post-16 Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions Linguistic understanding -Making a hypothesis -Predicting an event in the future  THEMATIC CONTENT -World of work  
Term 5 Theme 1: Identity and culture Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Mandarin-speaking countries  Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 3: Global issues THEMATIC CONTENT -Food, drink and festivals -Poverty and homeless   
Term 6 Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 4: Travel and tourism THEMATIC CONTENT -Travel in China 

Year 11

 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 2: Social issues Topic 3: Global issues Linguistic understanding Making a hypothesis Predicting an event in the future  THEMATIC CONTENT -Revision of Live Green  -Revision of Good causes  -Healthy lifestyle  
Term 2   Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 2: Social issues Topic 4: Travel and tourism Linguistic content -Making comparisons -Giving opposing opinions  THEMATIC CONTENT -Tourism  -Food, drink and festival  -Poverty and homeless  
Term 3   Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region  Linguistic content -Revision of all Core Language   THEMATIC CONTENT -My local area -Shopping -Family relationship -Literature and poems  
Term 4   Revision of all topics and preparation for speaking exams Linguistic understanding Revision and recall of all topics and key structures Thematic content Preparation of exam skills for speaking exam: role play, photo card and general conversation Preparation of exam skills for writing, reading and listening exams 
Term 5   Revision of all topics Linguistic understanding Revision and recall of all topics and key structures Thematic content Preparation of exam skills for writing, reading and listening exams 
Spanish – Year 8
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Introducing yourself Linguistic understanding  Learning how to communicate in Spanish during lessons Learning the verb tener and ser  Thematic content Describing your personality and your physical appearance and age Learning structures to describe what you were like when you were younger and how you would like to be Talking about pets Birthdays     
Term 2 Describing what you do in your free time  Linguistic understanding  Presenting and developing opinions in the present and past (likes and dislikes) Justifying opinions Infinitive structures  Present tense Hacer, jugar, ver  Thematic content  Describing what you like/dislike doing in your free time Saying what you can/can’t, usually do in your free time Describing the weather with cuando Sports       
Term 3 Talking about school Linguistic understanding  Opinions and Justifications with a range of adjectives Using connectives and time phrases present tense introduction to past tense  Thematic content  giving opinions about school subjects describing school facilities describing what you do at break time   
Term 4 Family and friends   Linguistic understanding  Hay Using the 3rd person singular Adjective agreements  Possessive adjectives Vivir and estar Intensifiers Connectives Time phrases  Thematic content  Describing your friends and family Describing another person Numbers Describing where you live Location   
Term 5 Describing your town, local area   Linguistic understanding Using the Hay   in different tenses Using the “se puede” in the present, imperfect and imperfect subjunctive Activities in the present, past and future tense  Thematic content Describing what there is in your town Describing what you can do in your town Telling the time   
Term 6 Tense and sentence structure Linguistic understanding Revision, recall and embedding of the linguistic structures taught during Terms 1-5 Practice of Future Tense and Past Tense verbs and key structures Revision and practice of connectives, opinion structures, time phrases Revision and practice of imperfect tense structures Thematic content Narrating an event in the past Predicting an event in the future 
Spanish – Year 9
 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   Describing your holidays  Linguistic understanding Revision of Present tense regular and irregular verbs Revision of key structures to describe activities and give opinions Regular and Irregular past tense and structures for narrating an event in the past Infinitive structures Time phrases     Thematic content Describing where you usually go on holiday Narrating an account of a previous holiday  Describing how your holiday was and what you would have preferred.   
Term 2   Describing your holidays Linguistic understanding Time phrases  Adjectives   Near future tense and structures for predicting an event in the future Opinions and justification Infinitive structures Imperfect subjunctive structures (si tuviera dinero, si pudiera elegir + conditional)  Thematic content  Describing future holidays Describing where you would like to go Saying where you would go if you had the money or if you could  
Term 3   Technology in everyday life Linguistic understanding  Time phrases for narration in the past Time phrases for narration in the present tense  Imperfect tense verbs (-ar, -er, -ir) Revision of present tense Justifications using a range of adjectives  Thematic content Activities to describe how you used to use technology in the past Activities in the present tense to contrast the past and now Talking about what apps you use and why, giving opinions and justifications. Revision of present tense  
Term 4   Technology in everyday life Linguistic understanding Opinions with Lo Justifications using a range of adjectives Adjective agreement Direct object pronouns  Thematic content Describing the pros and cons of technology Expressing opinions about technology and different apps and justifying opinions  
Term 5   Describing your ideal town/city  Linguistic understanding Introduction to Conditional tense Irregular verbs in the conditional tense (habría and tendría)  Estar to describe location Ser to describe the town Imperfect subjunctive structures  Justifications using a range of adjectives Adjective agreements  Thematic content  Describing where your ideal town/city would be and what it would be like. Describing how you wish it was Describing where you would like to live and why Describing what there would(not) be in your ideal town     
Term 6   Describing your ideal town/city Linguistic understanding If clauses + conditional  Revision of Conditional tense Justifications using a range of adjectives Imperfect tense Preterite tense Thematic content  Describing ideal activities in your town, what you would do if you could, had the time etc Describing where you used to live and what you used to do when you were younger in your town Describing what you did recently in your town  
Spanish – Years 10 & 11

Year 10

 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   THEME 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest-  Travel and tourism Linguistic understanding Opinion phrases present and past and justifications using some expressions and a range of adjectives Gustar different tenses and different persons Preterite tense Imperfect Opinion phrases with Lo Infinitive structures  Thematic content  Revision of weather expressions Describing what you like to do Narrating past holiday Describing how you travelled, with who, where you stayed Describing a past holiday using the imperfect tense   
Term 2   THEME 3: Current and future study and employment TOPIC 1: My studies- Life at school Linguistic understanding Opinions with |Me interesa/ Me gusta Comparatives Opinions with Lo Revision of present tense Imperfect tense Narration in the past Near future   Thematic content  Giving opinions about school subjects (likes and dislikes) Justifying opinions with a range of adjectives Describing a typical day in school Using the imperfect tense to describe what your primary school used to be like Describing school uniform and school rules Discussing problems at school Narrating a memorable day in the past Describing a future visit    
Term 3   THEME 1: Identity and culture Technology in everyday life Linguistic understanding  Time phrases Opinions and justifications using a range of adjectives  Present tense, reflexive verbs Preterite,  Imperfect Future  Thematic content  Describing what applications, you use and what for in different tenses The advantages and disadvantages of technology Reading online vs reading books Describing relationships and family members Describing a good friend Narration of past event with a friend/family member Future narration  
Term 4 THEME 1: Identity and culture Free time activities Linguistic understanding Infinitive structures Present and past tense Opinions and justifications in different tenses  Present Perfect Thematic content Describing leisure activities that you do in your free time in the present and past tense Expressing opinions about free time activities and justifications using a wide range of adjectives Comparing digital books and paper books Sports  Films and Cinema 
Term 5 THEME 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest My town- local area  Linguistic understanding  Haber, vivir, se puede in different tenses (present, imperfect, future and imperfect subjunctive Narration in the past tense and future tense Soler + infinitive Conditional Opinions with Lo Imperfect subjunctive structures  Thematic content  Places in a town Describing where you live and location Describing what you can do in a town in the present, past and future Describing the weather Talking about shopping Pros and cons of living in a city How you would improve your city if you could 
Term 6 Tense and sentence structure Linguistic understanding Revision, recall and embedding of the linguistic structures taught during Terms 1-5 Practice of Future Tense, Past Tense and Conditional verbs and key structures Revision and practice of connectives, opinion structures, time phrases Thematic content Narrating an event in the past Predicting an event in the future  

Year 11

 Topic Learning Outcomes 
Term 1   THEME 1: Identity and Culture Festivals Linguistic understanding  Opinions and justifications using a wide range of adjectives Adjective agreements Past tense (Preterite and Imperfect) Future tense Imperfect Subjunctive structures   Thematic content talking about Spanish food and drink Opinions about food and drink and justifications Describing Spanish Festivals Narrating past events/ festivals Describing festivals when you were younger 
Term 2 THEME 3: Current and future study and employment TOPIC 3: Education post-16  TOPIC 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions Linguistic understanding Present tense Narration in the past tense Conditional tense Structures to express future Present and imperfect subjunctive structures Simple future Expressing opinions and justifications Time phrases, connectives, intensifiers  Thematic content Talking about part time jobs What you do to earn money Work experience What you would like to do in the future for a job and why Opinions about jobs  Describing what you would do if you had a gap year Future plans  
Term 3 THEME 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest TOPIC 2: Social issues  TOPIC 3: Global issues Linguistic understanding Present Impersonal structures  Infinitive structures Narration in the past Future Time phrases Connectives Opinions and justifications using a wide range of adjectives Thematic content Protecting the environment Global issues Healthy life styles Future actions about environment Recent actions using past tense 
Term 4 Revision of all topics and preparation for speaking exams Linguistic understanding Revision and recall of all topics and key structures Thematic content Preparation of exam skills for speaking exam: role play, photo card and general conversation Preparation of exam skills for writing, reading and listening exams 
Term 5 Revision of all topics Linguistic understanding Revision and recall of all topics and key structures Thematic content Preparation of exam skills for writing, reading and listening exams 
Term 6   
Post 16 at WG6

Four languages are offered for A level study.  These are taught across the two WG6 sites.  We have a long-standing and effective collaboration with Wilmington Grammar School for Boys which enhances the opportunities available in Modern Foreign Languages.  Our extensive offer Post 16 sets us apart from other schools in the area. We offer courses in:

  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian
Related Careers

Did you know that 94% of the world’s population does not speak English as their first language and 75% do not speak English at all? It’s a multilingual world and UK companies are now realising that they need foreign languages to compete when trading internationally.  There are career opportunities in languages for all levels of ability and in a wide variety of contexts.  Although fluency will give the jobseeker more options, basic ability in languages is much in demand, as employers seek those capable of communicating  with foreign customers.  Salary uplift for those using languages at work can be anything from 8% to 20%, depending on how central languages are to the role. Jobs involving languages have many attractive features: travel/overseas placements, flexible working hours, opportunities for promotion and new responsibilities.  These are just a few of the careers available to linguists:

  • Translation and interpreting

  • Business and financial services

  • Marketing, media and technology

  • International Trade

  • Central government and Civil Service