Press Coverage and Awards
Wilmington Grammar School for Girls GCSE press release – Head Teacher, Mrs Michelle Lawson.
In a year when students have faced the return to pre-covid examinations Wilmington Grammar School for Girls are celebrating some fantastic GCSE results from their students. Michelle Lawson, Head Teacher said “The results this year are a testament to the resilience and determination of our students working with our superb staff, together with the incredible support given by their families. I could not be prouder of their achievements or more thankful for the incredible community that underpins it.’ The average grade for students builds on last year’s success with the highest percentage of Grade 9 and 8 that the school has seen, with nearly a third of grades being at grade 8 or above. We have some notably outstanding achievements from Nalia Huggins, Christabel Onuigbo, Rachel Chance, Yakshana Nareshkumar, Gracie Pye, Theo Waters with all results at Grade 9 or 8. We are full of admiration for this cohort who have been fantastic throughout their school journey and I would like to thank their teachers and families for their support and commitment. I am really looking forward to seeing them continue to excel as they move into WG6, our Sixth Form.
Pictured, Rachel Chance pictured below achieved 9 Grade 9, 2 Grade 8 and 1 Grade 7 “I’m looking forward to celebrating!”

Pictured, Yakshana Nareshkumar who achieved 11 Grade 9 and 1 Grade 8 in her GCSEs

Pictured, Theo Waters who achieved 8 Grade 9 and 4 Grade 8 GCSEs

Naila Huggens (below) commented (9 Grade 9 and 3 Grade 8 GCSEs) “I am so grateful for the opportunities WGSG has given me, and I would like to thank all of my teachers for helping me achieve such amazing results”

Gracie Pye (pictured below) who achieved 8 Grade 9, 3 Grade 8 and 1 Grade 7 added “I am so happy with my results, and so pleased that all my hard work paid off.”

Pictured Christabel Onuigbo – achieved 10 Grade 9 and 2 Grade 8 GCSEs

Wilmington Grammars A Level results Press Release 17th August 2023
We are absolutely delighted with the success achieved by our WG6 students. Their results reflect their remarkable resilience and commitment to their studies and are richly deserved after so much disruption to their studies. Thanks must go to the teachers and families whose support has been pivotal in this remarkable achievement.
In total, 13 students achieved a clean sweep of A* and A grades and are now celebrating before they head off to begin university courses or apprenticeships. Of these, students who joined in Year 12 and those who had been with us for their entire secondary career were successful, underlining the inclusive and welcoming nature of our shared 6th form. Students have secured a range of university, apprenticeship and career destinations including:
Jacob Watkins will study History at Cambridge and Owen Hunter will be going to Warwick to study Mathematics with A* in Chemistry, Maths, Physics and Further Maths. Jacob Watkins who achieved A* in Maths, Further Maths and Physics and an A in Economics is off to Durham to study Mathematics. Flo Hall got A* in Psychology and A in English and Biology and is going to Cardiff to study Psychology.
Mia Kane got a clean sweep of A* in English, Media and Government and Politics and is going to York to study English and Politics while Finn Lewis with A* in maths and A in Economics and Physics is going to Bath to study Economics.
Izzy Rice got A* in Economics, Professional Construction practice and A in Psychology and has secured a degree Level Apprenticeship with ISG. Varshaa Sasikaran got straight As in Maths, Biology and Chemistry and is off to King’s College London to study Biomedical Science.
The 6th form at Stone Lodge increases further the range of choices available at Endeavour MAT schools and this year will offer the T level in Health in addition to our existing courses.
Jacob Watkins, pictured below commented “I am thankful for the support from staff during my time at WG6 and am looking forward to the challenge that lies ahead as I start university.” Jacob will be studying Mathematics at Durham University

Wilmington Grammar School for Girls – GCSE Press Release
Wilmington Grammar School for Girls are celebrating some fantastic GCSE results from their students. Michelle Lawson, Head Teacher said “Following the return to exams this year our students have embodied our motto of ‘Striving for excellence’ and I could not be prouder of their resilience and determination to succeed’. The average grade for students was a Grade 7, with just over a third of grades being at Grade 8 or above. We have some notably outstanding achievements from Jeffny Jesuthas, Eve Bickerstaffe, Amelia Scotting, Rosie Priddy, Jasmine Fish-Halvorsen, Nihal Sever and Poppy Murray with a string of Grade 8 and 9s. I am full of admiration for this cohort who have been fantastic and a real credit to the school and I would like than thank their teachers and families for their support and commitment. I am really looking forward to seeing them continue to excel as they move in WG6, our Sixth Form.
Jeffny Jesuthas (pictured below) commented “I’m honestly so shocked, words can’t even describe the thoughts racing through my head. It was difficult working hard especially through the pandemic. I would never have got here without the support from my friends and my teachers so thank you so much!”

Pictured below, Jasmine Fish-Halvorsen who commented “Thank you to all the inspiring teachers that always believed in me and were the drive that enabled me to achieve the results I have today!”

Pictured below, Rosie Priddy added “Good luck everyone for the future!”

More Student Comments:
Eve Bickerstaffe: “I’m really excited to join Wilmington Grammar Sixth form next month!”
Poppy Murray: “Thank you to all the teachers at WGSG for their support I am excited to be joining WG6 in September!”
Amelia Scotting: “I am so pleased that so many of us achieved great grades despite the disruptions due to covid!”
WGSG & WGSB win at the Kent Teacher of the Year Awards

A Level Results Day Coverage 2020

Term Dates
Current Academic Year
AUTUMN TERM 2024-2025 |
Tuesday 3rd September – Friday 25th October |
Half Term |
Thursday 7th November – Friday 20th December |
SPRING TERM 2024-2025 |
Monday 6th January – Friday 14th February |
Half Term |
Tuesday 25th February – Friday 4th April |
SUMMER TERM 2024-2025 |
Tuesday 22nd April – Friday 23rd May |
Half Term |
Monday 2nd June – Tuesday 22nd July |
Monday 2nd September 2024 | Monday 26th August 2024 |
Monday 4th November | Wednesday 25th December |
Tuesday 5th November | Thursday 26th December |
Wednesday 6th November | Wednesday 1st January 2025 |
Monday 24 February 2025 | Friday 18th April |
Monday 21th April | |
Monday 5th May | |
Monday 26th May |
Academic Year 2025-2026
AUTUMN TERM 2025-2026 |
Tuesday 2nd September – Friday 17th October |
Half Term |
Thursday 30th October – Friday 19th December |
SPRING TERM 2025-2026 |
Monday 5th January – Friday 13th February |
Half Term |
Tuesday 24th February – Thursday 2nd April |
SUMMER TERM 2025-2026 |
Monday 20th April – Friday 22nd May |
Half Term |
Monday 1st June – Tuesday 21st July |
Monday 1st September 2025 | Monday 25th August 2025 |
Monday 27th October | Thursday 25th December |
Tuesday 28th October | Friday 26th December |
Wednesday 29th October | Thursday 1st January 2026 |
Monday 23rd February 2026 | Friday 3rd April |
Monday 6th April | |
Monday 4th May | |
Monday 25th May |
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