Timings of the Day
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
KS3 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri | KS4/5 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri | ||
Registration | 8:45 - 9:10 | Registration | 8:45 - 9:10 |
Period 1 | 9:10 - 10:00 | Period 1 | 9:10 - 10:00 |
BREAK | 10:00 - 10.25 | Period 2 | 10:00 - 10.25 |
Period 2 | 10:25 - 11:15 | BREAK | 10:25 - 11:15 |
Period 3 | 11:15 - 12:05 | Period 3 | 11:15 - 12:05 |
LUNCH | 12:05 - 12:55 | Period 4 | 12:05 - 12:55 |
Period 5 | 12:55 - 13:45 | LUNCH | 12:55 - 13:45 |
COMFORT BREAK | 13:45 - 13:50 | ||
Period 6 | 13:50 - 14:40 | Period 6 | 13:45 - 14:40 |
Period 7 | 14:40 - 15:30 | Period 7 | 14:40 - 15:30 |
KS3 Wednesday | KS4/5 Wednesday | ||
Period 1 | 8:45 - 9:30 | Period 1 | 8:45 - 9:30 |
BREAK | 9:30 - 9:55 | Period 2 | 9:30 - 10:15 |
Period 2 | 9:55 - 10.40 | BREAK | 10:15 - 10.40 |
Period 3 | 10:40 - 11:25 | Period 3 | 10:40 - 11:25 |
LUNCH | 11:25 - 12:10 | Period 4 | 11:25 - 12:10 |
Period 5 | 12:10 - 12:55 | LUNCH | 12:10 - 13:00 |
COMFORT BREAK | 12:55 - 13:00 | ||
Period 6 | 13:00 - 13:45 | Period 6 | 13:00 - 13:45 |
Period 7 | 13:45 - 14:30 | Period 7 | 13:45 - 14:30 |
Admissions and Appeals
If you wish to apply to Wilmington Grammar School for Girls 2025 entry you will need to have registered and sat the Kent Test (Kent procedure for entrance to secondary schools age 11 assessment tests PESE).
Applications for places to start in Year 7 must be made through your Local Education Authority using the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF). Your daughter’s primary school will have copies of your LEA Admission to Secondary School booklet which provides information on the admission process for transfer from Year 6 to Year 7. Applications can be made on line through your LEA website or using the SCAF.
Admissions to Year 7 for Wilmington Grammar School for Girls are co-ordinated by Kent County Council (KCC). Information regarding admission to Kent schools is found here.
Parents must register for their daughter to take the PESE test with KCC. Registration is usually open during June each year. Please check the KCC website to confirm the exact closing date. Late registrations are not accepted unless you are moving into the area.
Only those students who are assessed as suitable for a grammar school education will be offered a place. Places are offered in accordance with the Admissions Policy as published by the Governing Body.
Supplementary Form
You only need to complete a Supplementary Form if you:
● Have a sibling currently attending WGSG or WGSB
● Your daughter has been registered for free school meals in the last 6 years and you live within a 3 mile radius of the school. If this applies to you, you will need to get a letter from your daughter’s school confirming this.
The supplementary form can be found below.
If your child is due to start secondary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Monday 3rd March 2025). You must submit your appeal before 4pm on Wednesday 2nd April for it to be considered in the first tranche of appeals. Any appeals received after this time may not be heard until the second tranche which could be in September 2025. You MUST state the reasons for your appeal and supply any documentary evidence at this stage.
If you wish to appeal you would need to complete a form online. Please do NOT use ANY other appeal form or send your form to your local authority. Further information on how to appeal and the timetable can be found by downloading the document below ‘Appeals Information’
Please note that you can only submit an appeal form if you named WGSG on your Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) on/by 31st October 2024.
Please see the documents to support you with the process of making an appeal this year, as well as the key general documentation the school will be providing the appeals panel.
Key Dates
Thurday 31st October 2025 | Submit your Secondary Common Application Form to your Local Authority |
Monday 3rd March 2025 | National Offer Day: emails sent after 4pm and letters sent 1st class post |
Monday 17th March 2025 | Deadline for late applications and waiting list requests to be included in the Kent County Council reallocation stage. Also the date by which places should be accepted or declined to the school |
4pm on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 | Deadline for lodging appeals. You MUST state the reasons for your appeal and supply any documentary evidence at this stage. |
Thursday 24th April 2025 | Kent County Council to reallocate places that have become available from the school's waiting list. The school will maintain the waiting list from this date. |
Thursday 8th May 2025 | closing date for ANY ADDITIONAL supporting evidence. You are advised that additional paperwork received on the day of the appeal hearing will not be taken into account. Please provide the Clerk with ONE copy of any new additional evidence BY EMAIL ONLY. These must be sent to clerk@educationappeals.com. |
5pm Thursday 15th May 2025 | The stage 1 part of the hearing (with other parents present) Invitation letter giving details about your hearing will be sent by the Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel at least 10 school days before the stage 1 hearing. |
Monday 19th to Friday 23rd May 2025 (depending upon number of appeals) | Part 2, the individual private hearings will take place |
Letter from the Clerk informing you of the decision of the independent appeal panel | Due to the high number of appeals held at this time, this may not be sent until up to 10 working days after the last hearing for the school. |
Sixth Form Appeals
If you have not been offered a place following a Sixth Form application, the law entitles you to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. This panel is completely independent of the school and the Local Authority. Appeals for Sixth Form admissions are held online.
Following GCSE results, if you are wishing to lodge an appeal, please consult the appeals timetable below and lodge your appeal using this Sixth Form Appeal Form:
Last day for Lodging appeals | 4pm on Thursday 28 August 2025 to guarantee that your appeal will be heard within the first weeks of September. You MUST state the reasons for your appeal on the online form and supply any documentary evidence at this stage e.g. a copy of your result sheet. Please note the timetable is very short to enable those appellants who win appeals to start as early into the school year as possible. |
Appeal Date | The date will be during the month of September 2025. |
Please note that you can only appeal if you have been refused a place in writing after making a formal application. The links below are NOT application forms.
If you wish to appeal, please use this link to complete your appeal online. Please do NOT use ANY other appeal form or send your form to your local authority.
You should include any evidence or supporting material with your appeal form and you MUST give the grounds for your appeal at the time you lodge your appeal form. Your appeal form will not be accepted unless you state the grounds for your appeal. You may appeal for more than one school.
Please note that the online form will ask you to download two utility bills dated in the last THREE months. If you do not have access to a scanner, please take two photographs with a mobile phone and upload the photographic files.
In Year Admissions
Applications from students wishing to transfer to Wilmington Grammar School for Girls should be made via the school by completing an In Year Casual Application Form (IYCAF). If places are available applicants will be required to sit admission tests at the school to assess their suitability.
The school admits eligible students who are successful in our admission tests where places are available in Years 7 & 8. Admission part way through the preparation for GCSE examinations (i.e Years 9, 10 & 11) is not advisable, therefore the school would only admit a student after the start of Year 9 in exceptional circumstances where a place is available.
For details concerning our Admissions policy to WG6 please refer to our WG6 website by clicking the button below:
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Certificate Reunion Dates
A Level: Wednesday 18th December 2024 4pm-5pm
Here you will be able to find all the latest information on both internal and public examinations at WGSG. General examination dates are on the school calendar, more detailed timetables are uploaded as soon as they become available. Should you need to discuss examination requirements please contact Mrs Bassett, Examinations Officer on 01322 226351 Ext 230.
We have been working to bring an additional online resource, for the students in Year 9 and 10, called GCSEpod which is a really great learning resource and will add another element to their tool kit. If you are in Year 7 and 8 don’t worry we are looking at how this can also be used to support you too. Click here to log in and for more information.
For information regarding how the awarding bodies use student data please see the GDPR information on their respective website’s via the links below.

Joint Council for Qualifications Documents
Below, links to the JCQ information for candidates’ notices relating to GCSE/GCE qualifications as issued to the students at the beginning of the academic year:
● Privacy Notice – giving information on the personal data the awarding bodies collect and how they use it
● Non-Examination Assessments – for subjects that students are required to undertake additional aspects which are not formally examined e.g. English Language speaking
● Coursework Assessments – for subjects where you are required to undertake coursework which is formally assessed e.g. Design and Technology
● Using Social Media and Examinations/Assessments
● Written Exams – general information and rules regarding the written exams.
● Online Examinations – general information and rules regarding the written exams.
● Preparing to sit your examinations – a checklist to help you prepare for the day of the examinations
● AI Use in Assessments – Guidance for students.
The Department of Education Key Stage 4 & 5 2022/2023 School Performance Indicators can be viewed here
Ofsted Report
The school was last inspected in November 2022. The full report can be read by clicking the below link
Ofsted ReportSafeguarding
At Wilmington Grammar School for Girls our approach to safeguarding is child-centred and we consider at all times the best interest of the child. The following overview outlines our commitment to provide a safe environment in which children can learn.
● Mrs Munden is the designated safeguarding lead, she provides support to staff members to carry out their safeguarding duties and liaises with other agencies such as children’s social care.
● Mrs Lawson, Mr Fuller, Mrs Dhaliwal and Mr Atkins are also safeguarding leads and together with the Heads of Year regular meetings are held to discuss any ongoing safeguarding or welfare concerns, offering support and guidance where necessary. Please click here to view a full list of the Pastoral Support Team.
● All staff members receive safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated. In addition, all staff members receive safeguarding and child protection updates.
● A central record is kept of all adults who either work in the school or who help as volunteers with details of DBS checks in place.
● Any visitors to the school are required to report to the office and sign in securely through our electronic system. Visitors are expected to wear their photographic visitor ID at all times on the school site.
● Senior members of staff involved in the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff have received recognised training in safer recruitment, and have put in place appropriate procedures to ensure that appropriate checks have been made before appointments are taken up.
● All staff, including non-teaching staff know the procedures for reporting safeguarding or welfare concerns.
● All students understand the importance of safeguarding issues and have been introduced to the members of the safeguarding team through form time PSHE sessions. They too, are aware of how to report safeguarding or welfare concerns about themselves or others.
● All students are aware of the importance of e-safety and have received guidance from the IT department and through assemblies and PSHE on safe use of the internet.
● Delivery of relevant and current safeguarding issues are addressed and delivered through a mapped programme of PSHE both during termly drop down mornings and during form time.
● The student council discuss issues surrounding safeguarding and student concerns and feeds back to the Senior Leadership Team on a termly basis.
Safeguarding files from Primary schools or for external Y12 students:
If you are sending electronic safeguarding files to the school, please can you send to safeguarding@wgsg.co.uk and not to a specific staff members email address. Please also note that we do not use CPOMs, but Edukey for our safeguarding system and so files cannot be transferred to us through this.
If you are delivering files to the school, please ensure they are sent via secure recorded delivery and marked for the attention of the DSL.

Click image to enlarge
All school policies are being reviewed as Endeavour MAT. If you have any concerns regarding a policy listed, please contact the Headteacher’s PA.
School Policies
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Trust Policies
View Trust-Wide PoliciesExaminations and School Performance
Exam Results
At GCSE our results have been consistently strong. Girls at Wilmington Grammar School for Girls perform better than students with similar prior attainment nationally. We are very proud of our strong academic tradition.
The Department of Education Key Stage 4 School Performance Indicators can be viewed here
WGSG Examination results can be viewed here
School and college performance table information is available here
Extreme Weather Timetable
Please note the decision to adopt this timetable, or in extreme circumstances, close the school will be made by the Head Teacher.
Parents will be notified in advance via this page, email and twitter.
For students taking Public Examinations:
These would start at 9:30 and students should report direct to the exam room at 9:15.
Registration | 09:45 – 10.00 |
Period 2 | 10:00 – 10:50 |
Period 3 | 10:50 – 11:40 |
Period 4 | 11:40 – 12:20 |
Lunch | 12:20 – 12:50 |
Period 5 | 12:50 – 13:40 |
Period 6 | 13:40 – 14:30 |
The school will close at 14:30
Please note:
● Students who arrive before 9:30 should report to the Library
● Students will be supervised until 4:00 pm for later collection and for access to other bus services.
● Students who arrive for morning registration will be expected to stay until 14:30 pm.