Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Exam season is very much in full swing, with Years 11 and 13 approaching each exam with a positive mindset, well prepared to achieve their full potential.  We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them, their commitment to their studies and of the valuable contribution they make to our school community.  Both year groups enjoyed a special celebratory assembly to mark the end of their key stage.  As always, Mrs O’Donnell, Head of Year 11, Mr Atkins, Head of WG6 as well as the pastoral team and subject teachers are all on hand to provide any further support you might need, please don’t hesitate to ask. 

Hot ticket alert!!  Miss Cullingham’s latest big student production is the 1980’s classic, Fame!  This popular show has a large, talented cast who are learning a range of show numbers as well as scripts in what is sure to be a thrilling performance.  Tickets are just £5 and available for purchase on ParentPay for the show’s two date run 26th & 27th June.

Year 7 have been applying their finishing touches to their friendly monsters during Design Technology lessons.  Students planned and designed their monsters before applying a range of hand finished embroidery techniques and embellishments. 

Our Year 7 & 8 Eco Club meets every Monday with a view to introducing new measures to improve our school environment and raise awareness for ecological issues.  Student members have created a video ‘5 Things we can do to be Plastic Free at WGSG’ and supported the campaign with signs to prompt us to be more mindful of our rubbish and energy use!

Louisa D of 8H added “we have started an Eco Club which meets every Monday lunchtime. We want to try an improve the environment around the school by focusing on reducing rubbish and energy use.

This week in Eco Club for KS3 , we were making bird feeders to place in various areas around the school for the surrounding wildlife. We made these out of old plastic bottles in which we upcycled into bird feeders using twine, old pencils and a decorative touch. We will be putting up posters around the school to encourage people to turn off lights and put rubbish in the bin. We will also be having an inter form competition where we will be growing a variety of plants from seed to see which one will grow the largest in size. 

We hope to raise further awareness in the summer term through upcycling materials and other awareness campaigns. 

Thanks for the help of Louisa D, Katherine J, Sofiya H, Lily J ,Sophie Y and Phoebe N. (Year 8 Eco club leaders)”

Year 10 Geographers have been using Playdoh to create 3D models to simulate the development of a headland, showing how caves, arches and stacks are formed. Brilliantly interactive lesson!

Year 8 enjoyed a special Chinese cookery workshop including a demonstration and ‘cook-along’ with a specialist chef.  The chef certainly inspired us to experiment with new and exciting recipes and ingredients.

Congratulations to Year 7 EI students on the culmination of their “Big Questions” project.  During the celebratory assembly students were presented with a range of awards including the below poster that won The Canterbury Christ Church Award.

Year 7 & 8 recently sat the UK Maths Trust Junior Mathematical Challenge paper. As a 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenge it encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think. The problems on the Junior Maths Challenge are accessible yet still challenge those with more experience. A couple of examples are below for anyone who would like to have a go! (answers at the end of this Blog)

Overall, the students achieved 4 Gold Certificates, 38 Silver and 95 Bronze. Congratulations go to Louisa D, Shentyt N, Lara P and Manroop J for achieving a Gold Certificate. Louisa and Shentyt have also qualified for a follow-on round, the Junior Kangaroo and will be sitting a second paper in June.

Example Questions:

1. What is the value of 1 + 2 − 3 × 4 ÷ 5 ?

A 0.2 B 0.3 C 0.4 D 0.5 E 0.6

2. The world’s smallest vertebrate is much shorter than its name! Discovered in 2022, the frog paedophryne amauensis is only 7.7 mm long. Approximately how many of these frogs, placed end to end, would be needed to make a line 1 metre long?

A 100 B 130 C 260 D 390 E 520

3. The area of a square is six times the area of a rectangle with a length half that of the square and a width 6 cm less than the width of the square. What is the perimeter of the square?

A 24 cm B 28 cm C 32 cm D 36 cm E 40 cm

WG6 Update.  Year 13 enjoyed a final celebration on 3rd May with a special assembly that included breakfast, subject awards, a montage of messages and photos of their school career, it was a lovely and fitting celebration and send-off. 

Year 13 students have made a positive start to their public examinations, we are all incredibly proud of their dedication to their studies.  The revision sessions and workshops have provided a study framework and structure to exam preparation and wellbeing.  Staff are on hand to provide any further support that students may require – please do let us know if there is anything you need!

Mental health support – we have two amazing, dedicated WG6 student support managers (Mrs Wheatley and Mrs Regan) who work alongside our form tutors as part of a whole-school wellbeing initiative.  Additionally, workshops and activities took place to mark mental health awareness week.

Year 12 mocks – students worked really hard in what was a very intense week and a half!  Students will receive their grades this week, the results of which will inform topic revision and targeted lessons.  Additionally, Year 12 have received training on Unifrog, which is an online platform and research tool that can help inform their future pathway decisions by allowing them to compare and research education opportunities as well as complete applications.  Students are in the process of finalising their work experience placements for 8th – 19th July, uploading details onto Unifrog. Futures Week in Term 6 will build upon these sessions.

Year 12 student Eliora wrote the below report of an exam preparation session they attended.   “Kirsty and  I had the privilege of attending an event organised by Motivez at Hult International Business School, where insightful speakers shared invaluable tips for exam success.

Isaiah M. Wellington-Lynn, a distinguished educator and academic powerhouse, emphasised the importance of setting the right intentions for exam season, outlining the 6 Ps: Purpose, Plan Strategically, Prioritise, Procure, Past Papers, and Persistence. With a wealth of experience in academia and a passion for guiding students towards success, Isaiah’s holistic approach to exam preparation goes beyond mere studying techniques. He encouraged us to delve deeper into the purpose behind our studies, strategically plan our revision schedules, prioritise tasks based on energy levels, procure knowledge with care, utilise past papers effectively, and embody persistence in the face of challenges. Isaiah’s guidance not only fosters academic excellence but also personal growth and resilience.

Jade Bowler, the author of “The Only Study Guide” and creator of the “UnJaded Jaded” channel, shared invaluable insights into effective study techniques through her SAAD approach. With space repetition, she advocates for consistent review over time, emphasising the power of regular, incremental learning. Through active recall, Jade encourages us to engage in retrieval practice, pulling information from memory to enhance retention. Her emphasis on associations underscores the importance of connecting new information with existing knowledge, making learning more meaningful and memorable. By embracing desirable difficulty, Jade helped us to find the optimal balance between challenge and confidence in our revision journey. Additionally, she advertised utilising AI tools like ChatGPT for personalised revision.

Vee K. Girls Education Activist and PhD student, addressed the flaws in the exam system and shared crucial tips for effective preparation, stressing the importance of rest and minimising distractions. She highlighted that exams don’t always reflect intelligence, advocating for a holistic study approach like Isaiah. Vee’s advice included doing past papers, writing essays, teaching others, and fostering accountability through teamwork. Furthermore, she reiterated the importance of a balanced approach to studying, prioritising wellbeing alongside academic success.

Before this event, we struggled with our revision and study techniques, but this session support boosted our confidence profusely. Embracing these strategies fosters success and growth. Let’s tackle exams with purpose and resilience!”

WG6 Y12 Geography Field Trip.  Students travelled to East Sussex and spent the day on the beach at Seaford and Newhaven learning data collection techniques and trying out coastal field work. We arrived at our youth hostel and settled in and enjoyed dinner together before working in the classroom for a two-hour reflection and preparation for day two in Brighton.

Year 12 Geographer planned their Independent Investigation coursework ahead of the Field Trip, worth 20% of the final A Level grade. Here they are refining research questions and learning how to get the top grades. We are thrilled with the progress they made!

Year 12 WG6 Forensics and Criminal Investigation students have been taking part in practical activities around our school grounds.  Wearing forensics overalls (or bunny suits!) student investigators used their search techniques to isolate and secure the crime scene, search the area for evidence and log and bag all evidence items found. 

Special congratulations to Lauren M of 11E, who has been selected as the Mayor of Dartford’s Sea Cadet for the next year.  Lauren was interviewed for the role by the previous Mayor (Cllr Currans), the Deputy Mayor and her Commanding Officer.  As the Mayor’s Sea Cadet Lauren will be accompanying the Mayor and Mayoress to key events throughout the next year. 

Please join me in congratulating Jess G of 8A who with her team Lady Ice travelled to Florida to take part in the Worlds Cheerleading Competition.  Jess is a ‘flyer’ in a level 5 under 18 team and an accomplished sportswoman.  What an amazing experience!

Manroop of 8W and Rebecca of 9A recently took part in the Kent Championships held at the Julie Rose Stadium in Ashford. It’s a highly competitive competition therefore we are incredibly proud that both Manroop and Rebecca received new PBs and silver medals, especially on such a hot day!

Rebecca finished 2nd place in triple jump earning a silver medal with a jump of 9m20, which is a new PB. She gained a new PB in her 100m, with a finish time of 13.75. Rebecca also took part in long jump, her best jump of the comp was 4m29, no new PB this time.  Manroop finished 2nd place in long jump earning a silver medal with a jump of 4m87, which is a new PB. She also gained a silver medal in high jump finishing 2nd place with a jump of 1m50. Manroop gained new PBs in both her races, 200m finishing in 26.37 and her 300m finishing in 42.92.

Both girls continue to train hard and strive to improve and do well. They are both looking forward to representing the school in the forthcoming school competitions.

Looking for a new career opportunity?  It is our firm belief that a motivated, supported and empowered staff are at the heart of our students’ achievements.  Endeavour MAT’s staff development programme offers our staff opportunities for career progression across our Trust schools for the next generation of exceptional teachers, support staff and leaders.  All our schools take pride in being warm, friendly and supportive workplaces.  You can be assured, regardless of your role, you will be working with people who enjoy their work, are proud to be here and who will want to welcome you to the team.  To view our current vacancies, please click here.  Current Vacancies – Endeavour MAT (endeavour-mat.co.uk)

Maths Solutions:

1. E         Multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction. Therefore 1 + 2 − 3 × 4 ÷ 5 = 1 + 2 − (3 × 4 ÷ 5) = 3 − 12 ÷ 5 = 3 − 2.4 = 0.6.

2. B        Note that there are 1000 mm in 1 metre. So the number of frogs which would be needed to make a line 1 metre long is 1000 ÷ 7.7 ≈ 1000 ÷ 8 = 125 ≈ 130.

3. D        Let the side-length of the square, in cm, be 2x. Then the rectangle has length x cm and width (2x − 6) cm. The area of the square is 6 times the area of the rectangle, so (2x) 2 = 6 × x(2x −6), that is 4x 2 = 6x(2x −6).

Forthcoming Dates;

Year 12 Mock grades home – 24th May

Last Day of Term 5 – 24th May

First Day of Term 6 – 3rd June

Year 12 written reports home – 5th June

Year 10 Parents’ Evening – 6th May

Year 7-9 End of Year assessments – 10th June – 14th June

Careers Week & WG6 Futures Week – 17th June – 20th June

WG6 Induction Day – 24th June

School Production Fame – 27th & 28th June – tickets available at £5 from ParentPay

Summer Showcase (Art, Music & Drama) – 2nd July

Sports Day – 3rd July

Year 12 Parents’ Evening (at WGSB) – 4th July

Enrichment Week – 8th – 12th July

Year 12 Work Experience – 15th – 19th July

Written Reports home, Years 7, 8 & 9 – 16th July

End of Term 6 – 19th July 12 noon

Best wishes,

Michelle Lawson

Head Teacher