Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351

Blog Week Ending 21st November

Blog Week Ending 21st November

Year 11 Mandarin GCSE students visited the British Museum for a workshop dedicated to the new Silk Roads exhibition, which included the story of a legendary Chinese princess who shared the secrets of silk farming with her new kingdom. The Silk Roads exhibition tells a story of connection between cultures and continents, centuries before the formation of the globalised world we know today. Following the museum, students then enjoyed a meal in a Chinese restaurant before making a Vlog in Mandarin about the trip including interviewing Chinese people they encountered at the exhibition and in London’s China Town.

A collage of a person posing for a picture

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A collage of a group of girls eating at a restaurant

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Years 8 – 11 have really embraced the competition of achieving Level Up’s in Sparx Maths; there are frequently students awaiting Mrs Maycock’s weekly update of names on the noticeboard in the Maths Corridor.  Year 7 students are in the process of completing their on-boarding to Sparx and will find their homework becomes live over the next couple of weeks.  141 students have recently achieved a milestone level up – congratulations!

November’s Mathematics Challenges are in progress for students in Years 7 – 11.  We have already had entries for both the Year 7 – 8 Numeracy challenge and the Year 9 – 11 Challenge Reflected Clock.  This month the Reflected Clock question is proving to really get our students thinking; some well thought out answers have already been submitted.

A calendar with writing on it

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National Novel Writing Month! Our Librarians at both WGSG and WGSB have joined forces to celebrate with a creative writing competition. Students across the two schools have been challenged to release their creative talents and let their imagination loose … and pen a 500 word short story on the topic of Dystopia! Ms Booth is urging all students interested in finding out more, or for any tips, to pop along and see her in the library.

A writing competition card with a city landscape

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Our current House Challenge has been set by the History Department .. good luck everyone!

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Year 9 Food and Nutrition students have been making fresh pasta together with an accompanying sauce of their choice. Students have been researching recipes in terms of nutritional value and ingredients based on the Eatwell Guide as part of their applied science topic.

A collage of women making food

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A couple of women cooking in a kitchen

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Our Year 7 Food and Nutrition students have been applying their learnt skills to make a delicious curry whilst observing the 4C’s of Food and Nutrition Year 7 curriculum – Cooking/Chilling/Cleaning & Cross Contamination

Thank you to the Year 7 students who decorated the wellbeing garden ahead of Halloween. Students regularly contribute handmade items including bird feeders, wind chimes and decorated stones to enhance the space and encourage use by our students, staff and our local wildlife!

A group of people posing for a picture

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Year 8 Science students have been learning about the digestive system in their Biology lessons. In this practical lesson students investigated the role of enzymes to break down food to release nutrients.

This term our Year 8 Science Question is challenging students to use their learning across biology, chemistry and physics to consider – What forces have an effect on the human body? Do separating techniques lead to products you use every day?

A collage of a child using a pipette to make a test

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WG6 Year 13 students were invited to attend an ‘Apprenticeship Application Clinic’ on 13 November; this is in recognition of the increasing interest of WG6 students have for this post-18 pathway. Three external recruitment specialists were able to support the session and students were able to access 1-1 support and advice on CVs/covering letters, tailored to their current active applications.

WG6 Careers Masterclass session delivered by WG6 alumnus Joseph Robinson, currently editor of Rugby World. Joseph ran a brilliant insight session for all students considering a career in journalism, broadcasting and media generally. Highlighting potential routes and career paths, Joseph shared actionable advice and detailed a wide range of new digital opportunities within the media sector.

Joseph has managed and created content production and branding strategy for global brands including Adidas, Gillette, HSBC and Time Inc. Thank you for sharing your expertise and time with our WG6 Media students – as you no doubt saw from the level of engagement and questions asked, you have certainly inspired and motivated our students!

Our Year 13 WG6 Student Correspondent Ruby Kaufman added (pictured right in first photo)“I really enjoyed the session today; Joe really opened my eyes to journalistic opportunities and roles I hadn’t considered!” 

A collage of a group of people in a classroom

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WG6 Year 12 Design and Technology A Level students visited the Design Museum in London. Students attended a workshop, Materials: Smart and Sustainable, a valuable session outlining the social obligation of designers to seek new and environmentally friendly materials. Students also visited two exhibitions to support planning and provide inspiration for their final project work in Year 13. .. including an exhibition exploring the story of Barbie through a design lens, including fashion, architecture, furniture and vehicle design!

A group of people standing in front of a sign

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PTA Update – Thank you from the PFA for supporting the Year 7/8 disco. Fun was had by all and nearly £800 was raised for the PFA funds.  

Just a reminder that it is own clothes day tomorrow, Friday 22nd November in exchange for either a bottle or chocolate. Just a reminder that usual rules apply in terms of hair and make-up, and students need to be dressed appropriately for school, including their Lanyards!

Hamper Competition Deadline is also Friday 22nd November, and I am looking forward to the difficult judging job – Prizes for the best decorated, the best forms among others are on offer. I look forward to sharing all the pictures with you in a later Blog, but this is one of my favourite days as our community works together to support so many others. Well done to all and a Massive ‘thank you’ in advance.

A yellow sign with blue and red megaphones

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Our PFA and staff are looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday 24th November at the Christmas Market 

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Easyfundraising & Amazonsmile – By signing up and using the following link when you shop online with more than 3,300 well-known online stores such as Amazon, eBay, John Lewis will earn free donations for WGSG at no additional cost to you. Please click here for further information and to sign up
 Sponsorships and Donations – We would appreciate any support that you can offer by way of sponsorships, grants, ‘match funding’, raffle prize donations, etc. Please contact us (link below) if you can help support the PFA in this capacity.
 ‘Nearly New’ School Uniform Shop – We have a range of second-hand uniform in excellent condition for sale at very reasonable prices and any donations of surplus school uniform are most gratefully received. For details & price list or to make a uniform donation, please contact [email protected]
 WGSG Monthly Draw – Full details and Standing Order Forms are found on our webpage Supporting Your Child – Wilmington Grammar School for Girls

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KCC have shared the below Dartford SEND information

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A two posters with text and images

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Forthcoming Dates;

Year 11 Mock MFL speaking exams – w/c 25 November

Year 13 Parents’ Evening (WGSG) – Thurs 28 November (in person)

WG6 Open Evening – Weds 4 December

Christmas Concert St Michael’s Church – 12 December (6-8pm)

Year 11 Mock results home – 16 December

A Level Certificate presentation afternoon (at WGSB) – 18 December

Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day – 19 December

End of Term 2 – 20 December @ 12noon

Best wishes,

Michelle Lawson

