Blog Week Ending 20th March

It was wonderful to see so many of our parents and carers during Year 7 Parents’ Evening. Miss Skrine and the Year 7 teaching and support team would like to thank you for your active involvement and kind comments regarding your child’s educational career thus far with WGSG.
Epistemic Insight Event. It was a great pleasure for our staff and students to welcome our families, local dignitaries, and lecturers from Canterbury Christ Church University as part of our EI showcase. Our EI approach encourages our students to see the links between subject areas and provides the tools for solving complex problems. Put simply, EI maximises learned knowledge and inspires critical thinking. Each term across KS3 we respond to a ‘Big Question’ to help understand the relationships between areas of knowledge, provoking curiosity and engagement across the curriculum. These questions prompt scholarly thinking and research; an approach which develops their learning and prepares students for higher education, apprenticeships, and future careers. Students presented their group work, confidently answering questions and discussing their conclusions. Each group ‘Big Question’ was sensitively and thoroughly investigated and presented in an academic manner, and included; How have electronics affected mental health? Is AI a force for good? How does education impact the brain? – excellent work!
Rewards Lunches. Congratulations to all Year 7, 8 and 11 students whose exceptional attainment and attitude to learning were celebrated with a rather special Rewards Lunch! As you can see from the photos .. a great deal of fun was had and, treats consumed! The next Rewards Lunches will be in Term 5 – I’m sure we’ll be celebrating with even more students!
The Design and Technology Department are spotlighted this Blog – across the department Miss Armstrong and her team are staging a House Challenge, a school Bake-Off event, practical lessons and a trip to the Royal Institute of British Architects!
Year 9 Design and Technology students visited The Royal Institute of British Architects, making links between their classroom lessons and architects’ practical application. Students visited the Difficult Sites exhibition which demonstrated how architects overcome issues of tricky terrain, difficult urban plots .. and other challenging briefs. Students then took part in a workshop delivered by members of RIBA.
Our latest House Challenge has been set by the Design and Technology Department. This Textiles task calls for creativity, design and functionality!
It’s the Great WGSG Bake-Off. Mrs Fuller (and I!) are very much looking forward to judging day! All students (and staff) are invited to take part .. and in addition to House Points, there will be prizes on offer too.
The latest House Point tally has Hepworth in pole position, but with so many challenges and opportunities to secure House Points .. there’s plenty of time to take the lead!!
Our Year 9 Bakers produced delicious fruit tartlets in their Food Preparation and Nutrition practical lesson. This highly technical recipe saw students first blind-baking their pastry before making a crème pâtissière filling and finally, decorating with fresh fruit. Looks like we have plenty of contenders for our Great WGSG Bake-Off!
Our Sports Department regularly hosts inter-house challenges .. the below features Year 10 in action during a Dodgeball Tournament. Congratulations to Bader who secured maximum House Points of 132 for the win, Franklin were second and Singh third.
Mrs Bryant’s Year 9 Biologists extended their knowledge of the circulatory system by dissecting a heart during a practical lesson. Students were able to see first-hand the anatomy of the heart to better understand it’s structure and function. Despite a bit of initial hesitation, students soon got to grips with this fascinating and enlightening lesson! Pictured below students, together with Miss Jarvis, Science Technician.
WG6 Electives. Scholars Programme. Mr Salt, along with three Year 13 students, who have offers to study medicine at university, delivered a compelling and instructive talk to our aspiring Year 12 medical students. Shane, Sugnesh and Sanjeev (pictured below) have all received offers to read medicine at their first-choice universities and were able to give advice and insights into successful medical applications. Mr Salt, who leads the Scholars Programme, shared the key resources available to support and enhance their applications. Future sessions will focus on writing effective Personal Statements and provide full support to students throughout their application process and examinations. Congratulations to Shane, Sugnesh and Sanjeev, we are incredibly proud of your achievements, and thank you for the practical and relatable support you gave to our Year 12 students.
Miss Morrison’s Year 13 Biology class was investigating the rate of oxygen production in pondweed during a classroom practical. Each student was assigned, using OCR guidelines, the task of identifying the abiotic factors they could come across and completing an investigation method in preparation for the practical’s completion.
Chemistry in Action WG6 trip. Ms Aggrey, Head of Chemistry accompanied A Level students to a day of exhilarating chemistry which took students from key concepts learned in the classroom to the latest advancements in chemical research! Through sessions including a career-focussed speaker and a special session on examination success; all were delivered by experienced scientists from academia and industry to inspire them to become the scientists of the future.
Youth Peer Mentoring Volunteering opportunity from KCC’s Family Hub
Give your time and change a life. Volunteer with Kent Family Hub to help children get the best possible start in life. With only a few spare hours, you could:
- help children and young people build resilience
- volunteer around your schedule
- get trained while doing something you love.
PFA Update. Thank you to all parents and carers who are supporting the WGSG PFA Pre-Loved Uniform Scheme. Donations of preloved uniform, in good condition, especially PE kits – long sleeve/¾ zip PE tops and leggings would be gratefully received.
Forthcoming Dates;
Red Nose Day (full uniform with red accessory Y7-11 & WG6 non-uniform with red item) – 21 March
Year 12 Progress Exam Briefing – 27 March
Year 11 GCSE Revision trip – 28-30 March
Year 11 Grades Report home – 31 March
Culture Day – 4 April
Last Day of Term 4 – 4 April
First Day of Term 5 – 22 April
Year 10 Written reports home – 23 April
Year 12 Progress Exams commence – 22 April
GCSE Art Examination – 24 April
Best wishes,
Michelle Lawson