What a packed term this has been, filled with so many incredible achievements and so many opportunities for our students. It has been a real pleasure to see the number and range of achievements in each year group’s celebration assembly over the past week, a real credit to the students and to their teachers. Whilst we always celebrate with the students, it is important to thank our parents and carers for their support, encouragement, and reminders that make sure we all help every student to reach their potential.
It was wonderful to welcome back our former Year 13 students to collect their certificates and to catch us up on their new adventures. These occasions are always a moment to reflect on the importance of students’ journeys through our schools, and what an array of adventures they shared; from first terms completed at university, to international travel, working and studying with degree apprenticeships alongside lots of volunteering and community projects. I was somewhat humbled and slightly exhausted by the passion, enthusiasm, and determination of our ex-students. I am delighted that many have offered to come back into school to share their journeys with our younger students.
Year 11 have completed their mock exams and these show steady and focused progress towards their final grades. Students need to be identifying areas for improvement now so that they can make the gains in their grades by the final examinations. Year 11 mock data has been shared with parents and carers already, and the additional data will be with you in the New Year as well. We will also be inviting every Year 11 student to a meeting in January about their next steps and post 16 plans, these meetings are with senior staff in school and allow a much more in-depth conversation about their achievement, as well as an opportunity to ask questions. We do also encourage parents and carers to attend these meetings if they would like to, either in person or on TEAMS. Appointment times and more information will be shared after the Christmas break. Alongside this we will be running a briefing for our Year 11 parents and carers to help you to understand the world of post 16 as well as support in preparing for the GCSE examinations.
Our end of term festivities have been a cause of great celebration and fun! I am never disappointed with the marvellous array of Christmas jumpers sported for our Christmas lunch .. students and staff!
Each Year group enjoyed a rousing Celebratory Assembly to mark individual and group achievements and endeavours with all recipients embodying our school values and community ethos. Pictured below our Year 11 assembly led by Mrs O’Donnell, their Head of Year, with musical accompaniment provided by our talented students.
One of the festive activities that I particularly enjoyed was being part of the judging panel for the Wilmington Christmas Bake-Off House competition!! Our student bakers certainly rose to the occasion, and I was delighted to be lucky enough to be sampling their bakes. Congratulations to all our master bakers … but special congratulations, House Points and achievement certificates go to our winning bakers;
Overall – Lily P of 8A, fabulously moist and delicious yule log cake, made with care and effort and decorated beautifully.
Emily L 9E – for Taste. Completely delicious!
Jediayah A 8W – Fantastic work, such a lot of effort went into this bake..
Riddhi K 9R – For presentation. Wonderfully festive and lots of time and skill gone into the decoration.
Mrs Pickstone’s Year 9 MEP students have been working on a co-project with a partner school in Changchun, Ji Lin Province, China. In the below lesson students met (albeit virtually!) to exchange festive wishes and to share information about themselves, their schools and the festivals they enjoy and celebrate. It was a wonderful lesson with both classes demonstrating great language skills (we only spoke in Mandarin and they only in English!) as well as offering support and encouragement to each other!
Forthcoming Dates;
Last Day of Term 2 – 20th December (12noon)
First Day of Term 3 – Thursday 4th January
Year 9, 10 & 12 Grades home – 5th January
Year 9 Parents’ Evening – 11th January
Year 11 written report home – 12th January
WG6 Y12 Trip, City Hall – 17th January
WG6 Geography Fieldwork – 17th January
Year 9 GCSE Options Evening – 25th January
WG6 Art Trip National & National Portrait Gallery – 29th January
WG6 Subject Fair – 1st February
Year 10 maximising success workshops – 1st February
Last Day of Term 3 – 9th February
First Day of Term 4 – 19th February
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas break!
Michelle Lawson
Head Teacher