Blog Week Ending 16th January

Welcome to the first Blog of 2025! We have had a really busy start to term with moving to our new management information system. Can I thank parents and carers for their patience whilst we make sure all is right before we re-open EduLink. I am confident that we can do that by the end of this week, as all seems to have gone well. The new system will allow us to communicate more easily with you and I hope as we move forward, make responding to the school easier as well. My thanks to the team that worked hard over the Christmas break to make sure we were ready for the move, particularly our wonderful office team who ensure the smooth running of the systems of the school every day, we couldn’t function without them!
As the new year begins, we all think about that positive reset and our ‘resolutions’, I have challenged the students this year to think about a resolution that goes beyond themselves into the community, how can we all make sure that we don’t just look at our own needs but the needs of others too, our community is really good at thinking beyond themselves, but sometimes making a deliberate decision helps to remind us all. So, in that vein I do hope to hear from our parents and carers about the additional cups of tea they have received, the washing up that has been done without asking and the tidy bedrooms!
Onto our wonderful Year 11 and their focus and next steps….
Year 11 Exam Preparation & Intervention Sessions. We understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to exam preparation, our approach of a varied range of in-class learning, intervention sessions and specialist workshops provide a comprehensive strategy to support every student in achieving their potential. The Exam Preparation and Intervention sessions imbed examination skills and techniques which work in conjunction with intervention sessions and revision.
Any topic re-cap sessions in school do not replace student-led home revision (and independent study time); they supplement them. Intervention and re-capping forms part of our lesson plan and is a natural aspect of subject lessons to prepare students for their formal exams. We continue to encourage our students to revise in their own time, find methods that work for them and see intervention as an extension of their learning. Our current out of lesson Intervention sessions that are available for students are as below.
Pictured, Year 11 Maths Intervention session with Mr Harrison, Head of Maths and Mrs Maycock, teacher of Maths. Students working with past test papers practising different question types to maximise potential marks.
Year 10 & 11 Maximising Success Workshops – scheduled for 6th February. These workshops are delivered by specialist providers, The Life Skills Company. The workshops explore the principals of learning using four different revision techniques and a system of success. Students will leave knowing how to revise effectively and enjoyably! Students will choose their own preferred revision techniques which they can proactively use alongside their learning and intervention sessions.
I am delighted to introduce our new Head of English Ms Selby, who joins us from Wilmington Grammar School for Boys where she was second in command of their English Department. Ms Selby commented “It is an absolute pleasure to join WGSG, coming from the Boys’ School means the systems and expectations are familiar and I already feel very much like one of the community. Thank you to all students and staff who have made me feel incredibly welcome. As a department, our focus remains the support and development of students to be sensitive, critical readers who use language effectively across their written work and discussions. Year 11 students will see particular emphasis on exam preparation, providing the tools and support to reach their potential. I am looking forward to developing our extra-curricular offering to further enhance students’ learning experiences.”
In the below pictures Year 7 students are honing their creative writing skills and specifically for this topic, the gothic genre. Using gothic atmospheric images as stimulus, students are composing first-person accounts focused on establishing gothic setting.
All Year 7 students have regular Library lessons allowing them an opportunity to explore our extensive library stock as well as learning about the world of writing, discussing and discovering new literature genres .. and to read a book of their choice. Ms Booth, our Librarian and her Student Librarians curate a list of ‘Recommended Reads’ suitable for each year group, as well as signposting a new genre each month and a spotlight on an author. All students contribute their own book reviews as part of their reading record to help other students make their reading choices, and to track their reading progress throughout the year. Students are also encouraged to complete reading challenges, which are different for each year group; Year 7 are currently working through a Book Bingo. Pictured, students selecting new books and completing their reading records. Ms Booth offers a range of Library based Extra-Curricular clubs including Wilmington Girls’ Gamers Guild and the Anti-Social Reading Society!
WGSG’s latest Blockbuster production has been announced .. Guys & Dolls! Auditions open today, Thursday 16th January! Come and get involved, lots of roles available in addition to our leading actors .. including production and stage manager. Please see Miss Cullingham for more information.
Miss Cullingham’s Year 8 Drama students are currently working on a musical theatre topic, perfect preparation for a role in our next production! In groups, students have been working on writing and producing their own ‘juke box musical’ (these are where the songs are already well-known) to enhance their understanding .. and love of musical theatre. Students are considering playwriting skills as well as tone and mood as they develop their ideas.
The Maths Department have set their January Challenges! Mrs Maycock’s deadline for entries is 31st January .. Good luck everybody!
Forthcoming Dates;
Year 9 Parents’ Evening (Virtual) – 16 January
Year 11 Written reports home – 17 January
Year 9 Options Evening (in person) – 6pm-7:30pm
Years 10 & 11 Maximising Success Workshops – 6 February
Year 9 Deadline for submission of GCSE Options – 12 February
Last Day of Term 3 – 14 February
First Day on Term 4 – Tuesday 25 February
Year 13 Written Report home – 26 February
Years 7 & 8 Grades home – 26 February
Best wishes,
Michelle Lawson