Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Welcome to all new and returning families, staff and students!  As we return for the new academic year, we do so with the expectation of new opportunities to develop, learn and grow as both a community and as individuals. Being a student at Wilmington Grammar School for Girls is all about developing the values that create a diverse and supportive community and I look forward to the many opportunities that we have this year to do just that. I am proud of the wonderful students and staff that make up our school and I look forward to seeing all that they can achieve in the coming academic year.

Miss Skrine (pictured below with students) and the Year 7 Form Tutors are thoroughly enjoying getting to know our new students and are supporting their transition into life here at Wilmington Grammar School for Girls.  We look forward to meeting our new families on Wednesday 4th October at our Meet the Tutor evening.

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We were delighted with both the A Level and GCSE results, both of which continue to show achievement at the highest levels. The destinations of our A level students were a particular moment of celebration with two students gaining their places at Cambridge University as well as 50% of the students gaining places at Russell Group Universities and other students securing degree apprenticeships which is a real testament to their hard work.  To read more, please click here

We have been able to recruit exceptional specialist teachers in all the roles across the school, which in a time of real challenge in teacher recruitment is fantastic for the school and the students. I am also delighted that our pastoral team has been strengthened by graduates with experience in Psychology and counselling as well as mental health and wellbeing.  I will introduce all new member of our staff in the School Blog over the course of the coming weeks, including ..

G2Introducing Dr Nisi, Head of Physics.  Dr Nisi has worked in a variety of schools before joining Wilmington Grammar school for Girls where she has gained valuable experience that she brings to the role. Dr Nisi has a background from university where she did a doctorate in Space Physics and from science edutainment (a mix of education and entertainment). She is a strong advocate of empowering girls to participate in and achieve successful careers in scientific fields and to develop the student’s scientific mindset.  “I constantly focus on the student’s future and would like to help them develop the resilience and work ethic that they need to be successful in whatever they decide to do after school”

Dr Nisi’s Year 9 Physicists have been measuring density in a practical lessons this week. The students use several methods to measure the mass and the volume of different objects and then calculate the density as mass over volume. This is one of the required practicals in their GCSE course.

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G6New Science Teacher, Miss Santarossa has been working with our Year 7 Scientists providing an introduction to the science laboratories and equipment.  In this lesson, students have been preparing for their practical lessons by considering scientific questions and how to identify variables.  Students discussed how to read and apply data from investigations to test their predictions.

Before teaching, Miss Santarossa completed a masters in Cellular and Molecular Medicine and had contributed to important projects in paediatric cancer research. “My approach to teaching draws on my research background where I encouraged students to be inquisitive, collaborative and to think more deeply about our subjects. Helping students to build their confidence and be curious is a great pleasure and I look forward to exploring science with them this year.”

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Mr Barnes takes up the new role of Head of Science.  “It is a real privilege for me to be given the opportunity to lead an outstanding department and team that I have been a part of for the last 13 years. Science at WGSG is all about creating those young, enthusiastic scientists of the future, and preparing our young people for a life of being able to understand and critically evaluate what goes on around them at all times”


Our school library provides a welcoming and calm environment for students to meet for quiet study as well as take advantage of the vast collection of books, career and learning resources.  Students are able to access book recommendations and reviews to help inform their reading choices as well as borrow laptops for use at the library work stations.  Our Librarian, Mrs Smith is on hand to offer support or advice – for more details on the services our library offers please click here

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Our Year 12 students have quickly settled into life within WG6.  Across our two sites students have access to dedicated WG6 study and dining areas as well as specialist teaching and support staff to enable them to get the most out of the many opportunities for growth and academic achievement on offer.  Next week we will launch our Electives Programme of enrichment options.  To read our Electives Booklet please click here

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Alliance in Partnership (AiP) is our fresh food caterer and offers varied menus using fresh UK meats, fresh salads and fresh vegetables every day from local suppliers. Hot food is available before school, at break and at lunch time.  The below photographs were taken on vegetarian day – the hot food options were roasted vegetable bake or Quorn fishless finger wrap with coleslaw.  Additionally, there was a self-service jacket potato bar and filled baguettes and sandwiches.  For more details and menus please click here



I had the pleasure of attending the Science and Religion Forum’s conference at Westminster College Cambridge on 31st August where one of our Year 13 students Apianka Ananthavadivel was presented with a Highly commended trophy in recognition of her entry into the forum’s Peacocke Prize essay competition.  This is particularly impressive in that this is an academic forum and the competition is open to all students from A level to PHd.  The overall winner was in fact a Phd student from Nottingham University.  Apianka had submitted an essay on the concept of personal identity and whether we had an enduring identity or just bundles of changing perceptions.  As part of her award she was invited to present to a roomful of academics at the top of their fields in science and religion, explaining her thinking and the conclusion she had reached.  She handled the pressure incredibly well, including the question and answer session at the end when she was given some very challenging questions to field.  She was presented with her trophy by the vice president of the forum, Dr Celia Deane-Drummond who is the Director of the Laudato Si’Research Institute and Senior Research Fello at Campion Hall, University of Oxford.  A very proud moment as her Head Teacher indeed and a real pleasure to have been invited to attend.

Apianka added “This was such an amazing opportunity, and it was so nice to be in that environment where I was in a room full of people who had the same interests as me. After my presentation, a handful of people came up to me and during lunch to congratulate and compliment me and I even had a mini debate with two other presenters (it was so fun) and it just made my experience that much better!”


It’s a pleasure to share the news of three of our students who recently competed at Julie Rose Stadium in Ashford for the Kent Relay Championships & U13s High Jump Championships with their club the Dartford Harriers.

Between them they made the finals for their age groups in the 4×100, 4×200, 4×300 & 3×800 relays.

Rebecca T (Y9)  Bronze medal in the 4×300 relay (U15G)

Manroop J (Y8)  Silver medal in High Jump jumping 1.54m, breaking the Ashford club record for U13s (a record previously set in 1985) & will now be ranked 5th in the UK for her age group (U13G).

Chloe A (Y7)  Bronze medal in the 3×800 relay (U13G)

We are incredibly proud of the girls’ achievements!


Additionally, Manroop competed in the SEAA (South of England Athletic Association) against 11 other counties securing second place and is officially the silver medalist for high jump for the south of England.  The Kent girls team came first overall and are now the inter counties champions for 2023!


Thank you to Farha S and Lauren M of Year 11 who have written the below account of their meeting the Prime Minister at their Cadet unit. 

“Over the summer, we received an intriguing email from our Sea Cadet unit, explaining that a high-ranking VIP would be coming to meet us. Wondering who it would be, we first assumed it might be a Naval Admiral, a minor Royal or even Mick Jagger for his birthday. On arrival at the unit, we noticed tight security and our anticipation was rising. Our Chief sat us down for a briefing, revealing that our visitor was… The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak!

After the shock subdued, we were bursting with questions and could hardly contain ourselves. The room was buzzing, and we turned to each other, rehearsing conversations we might have with the Prime Minister. We stood in a rigid formation as a squad while we waited for him to be escorted into the unit, along with the local MP, Gareth Johnson and the local Mayor, Rosanna Currans. In a rather surreal experience, the Prime Minister called us into a huddle and introduced himself in a casual and amiable way- leaving us lost for words.

Then on to business. Still a little taken aback, we were equipped with our paint and brushes to paint the King George VI wall. We were all trying to inch closer to the Prime Minister and get our one minute of fame, while simultaneously avoiding paint spatters on our pristine uniform and shining boots. Once we were ushered back inside the main building, the Prime Minister asked us questions about activities that we do during our experience as cadets and commending us for the effort we take in upholding a significant youth organisations in order to enrich the community we live in. “

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Forthcoming dates; (for further dates, please view our school calendar by clicking here)

Year 10 Expectations Evening – 14th September

Year 8 Expectations Evening – 21st September

Year 11 Expectations Evening (Virtual) – 21st September

Year 9 Expectations Evening (Virtual) – 28th September

Year 12 Expectations Evening (at WGSG) – 28th September

Year 7 Meet the Tutor Evening – 4th October

Best wishes,

Michelle Lawson

Head Teacher
