Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Michelle profile Our Medics Society met this week to take part in a range of dissections including lambs eyes, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs. Students also discussed the ethics surrounding anatomy dissections/autopsies and their responsibility to respect the bodies they may come across in their careers.  The Medics Society is an extremely well-supported and popular organisation open to Year 11 students who aspire to forge a career in the medical sector in roles that include doctors, vets, dentists and within professional healthcare roles.  The society is ably led by Year 12 students Eliora, Destiny and Kirsty, pictured below, (who themselves were part of the organisation in Year 11) and overseen by Mrs Pinder.  The society is supported by the Association of Medic Mentors which provides access to invaluable opportunities including; online virtual GP workshops, free conferences, and support with UCAS applications.  Additionally, the members have attended online specialist work experience placements.


G2 G3

G5Additionally, to mark British Science Week students are invited to enter the British Science Week poster competition.  Students could create a poster showing how a certain type of technology has changed over time, or even the advancement of time-telling technology itself. Budding poster makers could also go futuristic show us how they think the world might look in years to come, or perhaps look at nature – lifecycles, lifespans, evolution and hibernation – nature is full of timely topics.  Deadline is Friday 22nd March!

Mr Green’s Year 8 Computer Science students are using HTML and CSS to program a tourism website for a country of their choosing.  Students have been utilising key elements to create a homepage that houses key information on the country, and then will go on to add additional pages about food, landmarks and wildlife.

G4 G6

Pitta Pockets with Year 7, who proved (were proof required!) that a delicious and nutritious meal can be prepared in as long as it takes to read this blog!  Students have been practising their safe-use knife skills including the bridge and claw technique.  Having prepared all ingredients students adopted the ‘mise en place’ which basically translates as ‘everything in it’s place’ so all the ingredients are professionally prepped and organised before assembly!

G7 G8 G9 G10

At WGSG we are active and engaged members of our local community.  We regularly take part in our own initiatives such as regular visits to our local care home, charitable endeavours and donations for the local foodbank and local church supported appeals as well as our own local litterpick.  This week, we took part in the Great Dartford Schools Litterpick.  Students and their form tutors worked their way around a wide local area, each form taking responsibility for a local green space or streets.  It is always heartening for the students to see the positive encouragement and response from local people as the students armed with their pickers and bags of litter are spotted helping keep our local area the lovely place it is!

G11 G12 G13

On Tuesday 5th March, WGSG took part in the Bexley Book Quiz held at Townley Grammar. Despite our best efforts, we placed fifth, but a great time was had by all. We definitely played our joker on the wrong round and the picture quiz gave some interesting answers. We hadn’t heard of Cocktail Stick Twistylegs as a character, but it gave the judges some amusement when they were marking the answers. See if you can work out who the character was meant to be….

G14 G15 G16

G17 Our English Department staged a Movie Poster competition.  Students submitted a range of compelling and impactful designs as well as brilliant pieces of creative writing for the accompanying marketing ‘blurb’!   Congratulations to our runner-ups who receive sweets and to our winner who receives a book token.

Blurb Winners: 1st) Leah Year 7 – 2nd) Sinead Year 9 – 3rd (joint)) Ali Y7 and Havana Y7

Movie Poster Winners: 1st) Jaime Year 8 – 2nd) Anya Year 11 – 3rd) Hannah and Munesha Year 8


Our Year 10 & 11 Film Club meets every Tuesday lunchtime.  The group chooses films to watch and discuss together, most recently the critically acclaimed, There Will Be Blood, starring Daniel Day-Lewis.  The recent Oscars ceremony divided our group with students having hoped for more recognition of Barbie!

Our new caterers, CH&Co visited our Student Voice members to introduce them to a range of their dishes and to discuss student preferences, menus and requests.  The food sampled received a universal ‘thumbs up’ from all students whether meat-eaters, vegetarians or vegans!  The new caterers will start from September and have pledged to offer a range of ‘pop-up’ specials as well as a regular salad and pasta bar in addition to main meal meal-deals.  The agreed menus will be available in due course, and all allergy and special diet requirements will be seamlessly shared via your ParentPay account.


Our WG6 team and Year 12 & 13 students welcomed external students and their parents/carers who have applied to join our sixth form in September.  The event aimed to provide visitors with a comprehensive introduction to the range of opportunities and support provided by WG6.  Additionally, our Year 12 & 13 subject ambassadors hosted a fair in the sports hall to allow the new students to experience the vast range of subjects and enrichment groups on offer and to discover first-hand the student experience here at WG6.

PFA Update.  ‘Nearly New’ School Uniform Shop – We have a range of ‘pre-loved’ uniform in excellent condition for sale at very reasonable prices and any donations of surplus school uniform are most gratefully received.  For details & price list or to make a uniform donation, please contact [email protected]

Forthcoming Dates;

Year 13 A Level Psychology Grade Booster Workshop – 18th March

Year 7 EI Presentations Evening 5.30pm-6.30pm – 20th March

Year 11 PGL Core Subjects Revision Weekend – 22nd March – 24th March

International Women’s Day & Culture Day – 28th March

Ski Trip – 28th March – 3rd April

First Day of Term 5 – 15th April

Year 10 Written Reports Home – 16th April

Best wishes,

Michelle Lawson

Head Teacher
