We welcomed local families and Year 6 pupils to come and see for themselves the amazing lessons, students and staff that together encapsulate all it is to be a member of our community. Our annual Open Events are not just an opportunity to showcase our school, they allow us a chance to see ourselves through other’s eyes, and to get feed-back that helps inform discussions around our ambition for our school and its students. The feed-back we received from local families and their children quite rightly highlighted the fact that it’s not our buildings, exam results (regardless of how excellent they are) or facilities that defines our school – it is the students, always the students. And ours are exceptional. Feed-back from visitors was unanimous in its praise of our students and the mature, articulate, and enthusiastic way they spoke about their school and their ambitions. Our students were impeccable hosts and guides, answering scores of questions as well as enthusing and reassuring Year 6 pupils as they prepare to transition to secondary school. Thank you, everyone.
Below, an action shot from open evening – Music ambassadors performing and informing families about their Music curriculum and extra curriculular creative experiences at WGSG.
Introducing Miss Cullingham who joins us as Head of Drama. Following graduation from Bird College where she studied a degree in professional dance and performance, Miss Cullingham toured professionally in a number of acclaimed national productions before moving into education. “I have certainly found my niche here at WGSG and am absolutely loving working with our students! They are really embracing group performance and communication and I can see them growing in self-confidence.”
Miss Cullingham’s Year 8 students have been studying the classic, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickins and are exploring themes surrounding Scrooge and his encounters with ghosts and creating improvised drama pieces in groups.
Student Managers Team. Each key stage has a dedicated Student Manager to ensure all students get the most out of the learning, extra curricular and social opportunities available here at WGSG and to equip students with vital life skills in preparation for their future career aspirations. Our Student Managers work closely with the Heads of Year and SEN teams to create and implement programs to develop students’ social skills, build resilience, and promote leadership skills. Bespoke sessions are delivered to small groups tailored to students’ needs and include; working in teams to develop collaborative mindset and social skills, and examination preparation to provide a revision ‘toolkit’ to promote effective revision and minimise anxiety around examinations. We have a number of new members of the team for this academic year … introducing;
Miss Gaines – Student Manager Years 10 &11 – previously worked across WGSB and WGSG with our sixth form students. “I’m a mental health first aider as well as a qualified physical first aider. I support our students with everything from general concerns to exam anxiety, organisational skills, revision timetables and self-esteem work. Additionally, I run an art therapy group which supports positive mental health and wellbeing.”
Miss McKay – Student Manager Years 8 & 9 – Joins us with a degree in psychology and a Level 3 in counselling and will be studying for her Level 4 from November. As an alumna of WGSG Miss Mckay has a great knowledge of Wilmington Grammar and has endeared herself to all students, running Social Club sessions and helping settle the Year 7s into secondary school life.
Mrs Hatton – Student Manager Year 7 – Mrs Hatton has a wealth of experience in education having held teaching roles in PE and Dance in a range of secondary schools across London and Kent. “As a mum of two daughters myself, I understand the tangible benefits of the right support and mentoring for our children and how it impacts both academic progress and overall wellbeing. I am on hand to offer support with Year 7 transition and providing a range of clubs and group activities to ensure they thrive during their time at WGSG. Currently, I am running Dance Therapy and Lego Therapy sessions to help build friendship groups and aid social communication skills. I have recently completed a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health and will be undertaking a Counselling course in the near future.”
Mrs Keleher – Mrs Keleher joins us as Pastoral and Wellbeing Manager SEN having previously worked in a specialist SEMH provision school. My background in both mainstream and specialist settings, supporting students in class has given me a deep understanding of SEN needs and crucially how to identify successful strategies for a tailored support package. “I am acutely aware that no child is the same, hence we strive to assess each students’ individual needs and strengths to ensure every student can access all learning and be an active participant in our school community. I have undertaken a number of Level 2 courses surrounding SEN, Behaviour that Challenges and Mental Health awareness with more planned for the future.”
Mrs Bashir – Medical Teaching Assistant whose role it is to support the medical needs of our students working collaboratively with parents/carers, teachers and the students to ensure access to all learning opportunities here at WGSG. Mrs Bashir is an experienced practitioner who is dedicated to supporting students offering sessions and clubs such as Dyslexia, Executive Functioning and Wellbeing Gardening clubs for students of all year groups.
Our WG6 students choose an ‘elective’ subject – which are extra curricular activities designed to support their core academic subjects, expand knowledge or gain new skills and hobbies. One group is the Sensory Garden Nurture Group, which helps plan, build and raise funding for the garden. Additionally, WG6 students work on the garden with the younger students helping with planting and weeding. The garden is featured in our new Open Event school film and is pictured below. The garden is a tranquil little school oasis where students can contribute to the seasonal decorations and enjoy crafting activities such as decorating plant pots and bird feeders and making windchimes.
The role of Head Students is a vital one that adds value to the student body, and to school life in general. Head Students embody our school values and are key in representing our student cohort in key senior leadership meetings and decision making. They contribute to school life in so many ways, conceiving of schemes and activities that enhance our collective school experience, acting as inspirational, approachable role models and generally being our student cheerleaders and champions! This year’s Student Leaders have ambitious plans for our school in areas that they have identified as being valuable and enjoyable for us all. Introducing …
Hello everyone, my name is Apianka, and I am extremely grateful to introduce myself as Head Girl of WGSG! One of my main wishes as a younger student was to establish communication across various year groups and eliminate the unseen barriers that separate us within our year groups. With this role, I aim to turn this wish into a reality. Additionally, I am committed to prioritising aspects such as wellbeing, inclusivity, and the voices of students to create a school environment that everyone can enjoy. As a person with reliability and approachability, I hope to embody these qualities in my position to establish good relations with the students and teachers. I am thrilled to have been given this opportunity, and I look forward to work with the rest of the team to make this academic year exceptional!
Hi everyone, my name is Edie, and I am incredibly grateful to have been chosen as Head Girl at WGSG. Having been at this school since Year 7, I am eager to use my personal experiences to try and make a positive impact here, with my primary focus on making school life a well-rounded experience for all students. To accomplish this, I would like to dedicate my time to the wellbeing of the students. Having struggled with mental health issues myself in the past, it is very important to me that support is accessible for anyone who may need it, and I always make myself available and approachable for any students who need a listening ear. After speaking with some of the students of a younger age, I understand that some can find aspects of school somewhat stressful, when it should be a place that every student can enjoy, where they love to learn – all of the time. I plan to make it more well-known that school’s main priority is not simply grades, but the ‘whole child’ and the overall quality of a student’s life. This year, I am looking forward to working with our amazing Student Senior Leadership Team to realise these goals, and I really appreciate the opportunity I have been given to do so. Thank you!
Hello, I’m George and I am honoured to be the Deputy Head Boy at WGSG. My aim in this role is to foster an environment of excellence, growth and inclusivity in our school community. I firmly believe that education is not merely about acquiring knowledge but also about developing character and nurturing a sense of empathy and compassion. Therefore, my foremost goal is to create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential. To achieve this, I will work tirelessly to promote academic excellence. Education is the key that unlocks countless opportunities in life, and it is my duty to ensure that students receive the highest quality of education possible. I also recognise the importance of extra-curricular activities in shaping well-rounded individuals, and that is why I am committed to establishing societies for students across all year groups to enjoy. Together, let us all embark on a journey towards excellence, growth and inclusivity over this academic year.
Hey everyone, my name is Adrial and I am very grateful to be the Deputy Head Girl of WGSG! The one thing I want to truly make a point in is the importance of having a voice and breaking barriers as I strongly believe race or socio-economic status should not limit the level of success. I have a very sociable and vibrant personality and I hope if anyone has any questions or advice that they feel comfortable to ask me! Being Deputy Head Girl, is not a label, I do aim to be a source of inspiration for anyone who is feeling like they’re not good enough – because everyone is. Anyone can be what they want to be, and you shouldn’t let your past define you therefore I am committed to participating in activities such as equality and diversity to tackle any injustice or lack of self-belief and I hope that many people may find their voice and speak up. I am also a very athletic person and I want to emphasise how balance is a key foundation in order to achieve success. I look forward to working with each and every one of you to ensure individuality and creativity is celebrated and never overlooked. Be you and stay true to yourself!
Our Year 12 WG6 Chemistry students carried out a practical investigation to determine the concentration of a solution using titration. Students accurately measured the mass and volume of the liquid before recording their observations and data.
Careers Update. We believe that students need to be offered the right knowledge, experiences and guidance to thrive and create a positive future for themselves. We also value the support parent/carers can provide to their children to inform their career choices. The following excellent free Digital Guides for parent/carers on university, apprenticeships and careers are packed with information to help you to support your child with their career choices. For more details and to sign up:
Parents and Carers University Guide 2023/24 Parents and Carers University Guide 2023/24 (
Career mag for parents & carers Careermag for Parents | Careermap
Free resources. The Parents’ Guide to provides parents and carers with the information they need at GCSE and sixth form to help their teenage children create successful futures. Free resources | The Parents’ Guide (
The second Green Careers Week is taking place between 6th and 11th November 2023 which highlights the amazing career pathways students can follow to improve the future climate. The Parent’s Guide To Green Careers Week 2023 – National Careers Week
On Sunday 12th November the school will be taking part in the Act of Remembrance in Wilmington Village at the memorial at 12.00noon. our Head Students will lay the wreath on behalf of the school. If you live locally do feel free to join the local community on this important event. We also held an act of Remembrance today in school for all students.
I am delighted to share exciting news regarding Inika of 8E. In addition to her academic achievements, Inika is a talented dancer who recently appeared in the English Youth Ballet’s production of Cinderella in Hollywood at the Orchard theatre in Dartford. Additionally, Inika has gained a distinction in her Grade 3 Tap and Ballet exams and was awarded most promising ‘all-rounder’ by her dance school as well as appearing in a dance show in Disneyland Paris! Congratulations Inika!
Congratulations to musician Chloe A of 9R who received a distinction in her Grade 2 Drums – rock and pop! We are all delighted for you .. especially Mrs Dent!
Forthcoming Dates;
Year 11 Mocks – 6 November – 15th November
WG6 Applications Open – 10th November
Year 12 Geography Trip – 15th November
WG6 Open Evening (at WGSG) – 29th November
Year 11 GCSE Science Live – 1st December
Year 10 & 11 PE CycloPark – 5th & 7th December
Last day of term – 20th December 12noon
PTA Update. We are delighted to announce – we are now able to offer pre-loved uniform ALL YEAR ROUND! Please see the below poster for details on how to check availability and place orders. We are Planning our PFA Christmas Market and Gift Fair – if you would like to be involved in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch – everyone is very welcome! WGSGPFA@GMAIL.COM
For more details on our PFA click here
Save the date! Can you help? Could you or your business donate a raffle prize for our Christmas market – we are a registered charity so it would be tax deductible if you think you might be able to help please contact us on WGSGPFA@GMAIL.COM
Best wishes,
Michelle Lawson
Head Teacher