Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
01322 226351



Michelle profile My goodness me, it has been an incredibly busy few weeks as we head towards the end of term.  When you are striving for excellence you don’t let any opportunity slip past you, and that is certainly true of all the achievements highlighted below. I have been impressed with how the students have managed in the extreme heat this past week, sensible behaviour and an abundance of fans!  Can I just remind everyone that we go back to normal uniform rules from next week, so blazers expected please. 

Year 10 MEP Mandarin students have successfully taken part in a Tourism Project organised by the British Council.  The project is a four-day blended learning intensive study project with students working in groups to produce a marketing campaign in Mandarin to encourage Chinese tourists to visit a place in the UK. Students then travelled to Queen Mary University to demonstrate their work.  Last year, our Year 10s won the ‘best video’ among the MEP students in the UK, receiving the pictured award.  Good luck for this year everyone!

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G3Introducing new Teacher of English, Ms Thomas.  “I studied English with Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, University of London before pursuing a career in education.  I’m keen to empower students to be able to read and think critically, which is more important than ever in today’s online world, but even more than that I enjoy using literature as a way to connect with ourselves and other people. My favourite genre is fantasy and my favourite book is constantly changing, although I’m always ready to reread The Lord of the Rings! The students have been amazing adapting to a new teacher and I’m really looking forward to getting to know them even better next year.”

In the pictured Year 7 lesson, students have been exploring ‘mythmaking’ as a topic in creative writing skills.  The class discussed myths that had been created by ancient civilisations, often as a way of making sense of the natural world.  Ms Thomas then challenged them to write their own myths incorporating divine creatures. 



G5Introducing Mrs Murray who has recently joined us as our new Careers Lead. Mrs Murray has spent the last 17 years supporting young people through secondary education and prior to this, worked in Investment Banking.

“I have developed a passion for supporting young people with the often challenging question of ‘what do I do next?’  There are many options and pathways young people must navigate as they approach the end of their school journey. I very much want these to be informed choices and that our students feel supported in the decision-making process. Currently, I am focusing on delivering 1-1 guidance meetings for Year 10 & 12 students as they approach their next steps with post-16 and post-18 options.

Careers education and support is often the bridge between the world of work and education and I am very much looking forward to developing working relationships with all of our key stakeholders. We are always looking for networking opportunities to help students and would love to hear from anyone that would be willing to support school events or talk to students about their own journey through education and the workplace.”

WGSG was recently assessed by the CSW investor in Careers, who are responsible for the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in schools.  I am delighted to share the news that WGSG has been accredited as “Fully meeting all the accreditation criteria, incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks.  The awarding body CSW, added;

“Congratulations on successfully achieving re-accreditation of the Quality in Careers Standard which fully incorporates the Gatsby Benchmarks. This is an excellent achievement and recognises the quality and breadth of your careers provision and continued commitment to maintaining excellence at Wilmington Grammar School for Girls”.

Year 10 Careers Morning.  During this session Year 10 students were invited to explore their post-16 pathway options. They were introduced to representatives from Electrosonic, Mace & North Kent College to improve their understanding of the world of work, apprenticeships and vocational education routes. The presentations were very informative and thought provoking — our students were actively engaged and asked some fantastic, probing questions.

Mrs Murray also delivered information on post-16 pathways and outlined the support students can expect in school as they move toward making decisions about their next steps in Year 11.

WG6 Careers Update.  Year 12 Futures Week.  Students have enjoyed a range of future pathway support activities and workshops including;

  • Choosing a course and university – a Q&A from Essex University including an insight into student life.
  • Alumni event – Wilmington alumni sharing their tips and personal experiences from their studies and workplaces.
  • Apply to university and student Finance – delivered by Canterbury Christchurch University
  • Interview skills – includes LinkedIn, Unifrog, and apprenticeships
  • UCAS and personal statement completion – delivered by The Life Skills company


WG6 work experience.  David M provided the following report. 

“Brandon and I were privileged enough to undergo work experience with the Crown Prosecution Service.   We were able to visit the Thames Magistrate Court and the Croydon Crown Court where we heard many real-life criminal cases as well as what life is like as a barrister, solicitor, judge and every role available in court. The rest of the placement was spent in the CPS office in Petty France London where we met both Chief Crown Prosecutor of South London (Lionel Idan) and North London (Jaswant Kaur Narwal) and was able to get a picture. His Honour Judge Michael Evans in the Croydon Crown Court allowed me to wear his wig and sit on his chair!  We were lucky enough to meet loads of high-profile individuals and heard very interesting and crazy cases from different people. Additionally, we received certificates at the end – it was an amazing and eye-opening experience!”


WG6 Induction Day.  We welcomed students ahead of their joining us in September to give them a sense of the WG6 experience!  Students took part in taster lessons for their A Level choices as well as working together in a cross-curricular challenge .. “Can we change the world?”  Each group researched and debated the question from the perspective of their subject area before sharing their conclusions with the wider group.  We look forward to seeing you all again in September.


G12School Summer Production.  What a show!  Our student drama group staged the most high-energy and enjoyable performance of 80s classic ‘Fame’.  Our thanks and congratulations to Miss Cullingham and her cast, directors and production team on another blockbuster show.


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Sports Day.  This week students competed in the field events ahead of the track events next week on 3rd July.  Students represented their Houses in events that included, long jump, high jump and shot put.  Well done to all of our student athletes.  Our PTA will be attending our Sports Day, cheering on the competitors .. and selling a range of cold drinks and treats.  We will also have an icecream van on-site for students and staff to take advantage of.  Please do remember cash or cards for your purchases.

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Year 10 PE GCSE travelled to Gravesend Cyclopark for a skills coaching day ahead of an assessment.  Well done to all students for the successful completion of the course!


Year 10 Geographers travelled to Tankerton beach and Reculver on Thursday 20th June. The aim was to collect data for their GCSE Physical geography exam to help show the effects of the groyne on the beach height at Tankerton. 

The students tried out a range of primary data collection techniques and considered the best methods to ensure results are as accurate as can be. In the afternoon we travelled to Reculver seafront to observe the geomorphic processes (studied in the classroom) shown in the cliff and impacts of coastal management on the coastline. They were even lucky enough to finish the day with an ice cream! 

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Year 11 Prom. Our current Year 11 students celebrated their Leavers Prom on Friday 21st June. With a theme of ‘A Starry Night’, the WGSG hall was beautifully transformed by the amazing PFA team and the students absolutely sparkled in their prom outfits. It was a suitably celebratory end to their hard work towards their GCSE exams. Our thanks to all who supported to make it such a wonderful evening. We look forward to welcoming back those students ready for their next steps at WG6 in September!


PFA Update.  We are a relatively small, friendly group but we do need more people.  Sadly, our current chair, Jayne Warrington will be stepping down at the end of this academic year – Could you be our next Chair?  If you would like to discuss the role, or apply please do get in touch!  Jayne will be happy to answer any questions you may have. wgsgpfa@gmail.com

If you are able to spare some time, we urge you to become more involved in the PFA – and help make a difference. You could choose to be either a regular member (as part of the PFA committee), or a volunteer and help out occasionally at events. There are no minimum time commitments.  

Dartford Orienteering, who support us with our orienteering in PE, would like to invite us all to their forthcoming Orienteering festival on the 6th July.  Full details in the below poster. 


Forthcoming Dates;

Sports Day – 3rd July

Year 12 Parents’ Evening (at WGSB) – 4th July

Year 7 Coast Trip, Geography – 8th July

All Years, Enrichment Week – 8th – 12th July

Year 10 Paris & Valencia Trip – 8th – 12th July

Year 12 Work Experience – 15th – 19th July

Year 10 Work Shadowing Day – 15th July

Written Reports home, Years 7, 8 & 9 – 16th July

End of Term 6 – 19th July 12 noon


Best wishes,


Michelle Lawson

Head Teacher

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